
A place to exercise reason, deep thought, freethinking, and share research, articles, videos, and a variety of sources pertaining to philosophical concepts. Debate and discussion are open and welcome. Be sure to remain clear, concise, and manage your grammar. Edits should be .. Read more

A place to exercise reason, deep thought, freethinking, and share research, articles, videos, and a variety of sources pertaining to philosophical concepts. Debate and discussion are open and welcome. Be sure to remain clear, concise, and manage your grammar. Edits should be .. Read more

RecentPosts By EliRodriguez11 (2) Posts by anyone

Jan 6Jan 6

Posted by Mitch07102
Godel on the afterlife. The discovery in my early 50's of Godel's incompleteness theorems remains the most impactful intellectual discovery of my life. If you are not familiar, I encourage you to learn more about it. It is succinctly summarized in ...
Jan 6Jan 6

Posted by Mitch07102
Godel on the afterlife. The discovery in my early 50's of Godel's incompleteness theorems remains the most impactful intellectual discovery of my life. If you are not familiar, I encourage you to learn more about it. It is succinctly summarized in ...
1 comment
Dec 22, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Moravian
The human condition. Explained and resolved .I think
Dec 22, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Rachel99
I don't understand what Aronra was up to in this video. Doesn't the Christian seem really silly yet Aronra didn't even win the debate. And he said rocks are conscious?
Sep 16, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by AlanCliffe
It seems to me that what speech is to writing, acoustic guitar is to electric. The invention of the second thing, in both cases, might have been pragmatic: records need to be kept in order to free up minds and memories, and you need amplification in ...
Shared from Philosophy & Meaning
May 9, 2022May 2022

Posted by yvilletom
On meaning. It happened one day in San Francisco, while I was on a jury in city court. At noon the judge called a recess for lunch. In a few minutes two other jurors, both of them men and one of them wearing the garb of a Catholic priest, and I were...
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Shared from General & Hellos
Nov 7, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by kmaz
POLLPoll: Do you think any moral principles implicit and explicit to the Christian Bible have merit and are worth following? Or are they as nonsensical as the metaphysics/cosmology principles? Or is your answer something different? If you do think ...

Poll: What do you think of the moral principles explicit and implicit in the Christian Bible?

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Oct 24, 2021Oct 2021

Posted by Mitch07102
On Solitude, from the always thoughtful Maria Popova of TheMarginalian, formerly BrainPickings. While I have siblings, they are older and I've always thought of myself as an only child. I have never been afflicted with feeling alone. I enjoy my own...
Shared from General & Hellos
Sep 4, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by BirdMan1
Work with Hope:
Aug 8, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by yvilletom
Mathematicians Albert Einstein and Kurt Godel chatted, said Boston University philosophy professor Palle Yourgrau, and the “primary result was a powerful argument that if time travel is possible, time itself is not.” Source: Walter Isaacson’s ...
Mar 27, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by Spongebob
Most of us believe that human life is fundamentally valuable; that it is better to be living than to be dead. This value is derived recursively with respect to other humans – a human is a valuable member of a community. The question of intrinsic ...
Jan 3, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by Matias
Does the "sacred" also exist for atheists and non-religious people? As I understand the concept, the answer is no. The "Sacred" is that which, so to speak, protrudes into our world from a sphere that transcends the human and natural world; the ...
Dec 29, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by BirdMan1
I am guessing that some of you have read Pico Iyer. I recently read, and enjoyed his "The Long Road, The Global Journey of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama." One of the chapter headings had a quote that I find wonderful and have adopted it as my e-mail ...
Dec 27, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tipi
Hello, Terrafriends. Happy terraseasonal holidays. Thank you for receiving me here. What do you think about a moral/ethical interpretation of the relativity law?( Decoding/reinterpreting one-stone (einstein). The (ethical)...
Dec 24, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by Matias
Let me ask you a question: What do you think of German philosopher Markus Gabriel? In the last few months I have read four books by him, because he is supposedly the most important and original German philosopher of his generation. But my ...
Dec 3, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by Spongebob
The trolley solution
Shared from General & Hellos
Nov 27, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by Mitch07102
As I've aged I have found my embrace of Stoic philosophy to be a useful means to a better, happier, deeper, richer, more fulfilling life. It is even more so in trying times like these. I am sometimes asked about Stoicism, so here's a link to an ...
Nov 7, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by Wisterious
This may be an age-old question, but I'm new here, so here goes: Is it easier to love or hate, and why?
Shared from Academic (e.g., Science)
Oct 21, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by Wisterious
If you had to choose one word or phrase to summarize what you believe would/will be the fall of our society^ , what would it be? ^society, humanity, Homo sapiens, Earth, etc.
Oct 15, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by BirdMan1
Say "Happy Birthday!" to Nietzsche:
1 comment
Sep 28, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by Mitch07102
This aspect of Stoic wisdom is one I've found useful many, many times for offenses big and small. From The Daily Stoic. "The events that happen to us are objective—we can’t help being victimized—but how we feel about them is up to us. We ...
Sep 10, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by AlanCliffe
As to why so many of the rightist thugs in our day, both with and without executive power, both the Mussolini wannabes of the DJT type and their acolytes, have clothed themselves and their movements in religious garb, it may be useful to consider two...
1 comment
Shared from Philosophy & Meaning
Aug 29, 2020Aug 2020

Posted by Spongebob
Is existential awareness necessary towards freedom from religion? Once a person is aware of the absurdities of living, that they are but a decaying bag of chemicals governed by the laws of nature, they would realize that their attachment to religion ...
Aug 26, 2020Aug 2020

Posted by AlanCliffe
Westworld on dvd. Love me some Thandie Newton. The show is, of course, a variation on a theme that has been with us quite a while, going back at least to Frankenstein, maybe to the golem or further: If man creates a being in his own image, thus ...
Aug 15, 2020Aug 2020

Posted by Mitch07102
History of Philosophy Graphic
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Posted by JettyPerspective

Posted by PontifexMarximusWhy Evolution Is True … I never realised that there was still so much opposition to science. []

Posted by NR92What is the reason to live? What are we living for?

Posted by NR92Is it correct that Nietzsche was Hitler's inspiration?

Posted by mzeeWhat is fear?

Posted by DonaldHRobertsThe Most Complicated question ever asked. WHY?

Posted by TheMiddleWayRussel, the greatest salesman the world has ever known!

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