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As I've aged I have found my embrace of Stoic philosophy to be a useful means to a better, happier, deeper, richer, more fulfilling life. It is even more so in trying times like these. I am sometimes asked about Stoicism, so here's a link to an overview from the Daily Stoic.

For those who are deep into Stoicism, yes, I know it is much deeper and more nuanced than what is outlined in the article, let alone in pop culture. Nonetheless, I think this is useful to those seeking an initial introduction. If you are interested in learning more, by all means, do.


Mitch07102 8 Nov 27
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Are you familiar with Albert Camus?

RCRX87 Level 4 June 14, 2021

Camus cognac is excellent, yes 🙂


I find that existential philosophy provides all the meaning and order that I need.

wordywalt Level 9 Feb 10, 2021

You must know the father of cynic philosophy was one Diogenes of Sinop, Turkey. I was based there while in the military (our base was known a "Diogenes Station" ) and learned a lot about him and his philosophy. I do agree with Epictetus but also understand we are not always in as much control as we would want. At various times I did write journal but it became too tiresome and boring. Later in life I discovered and embraced the philosophy of volunteer simplicity. Whereas VS is mainly about wealth it also has a lot of personal growth and de-stressing ones life.

JackPedigo Level 9 Nov 27, 2020

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