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Did Adam have a belly button? []

Crazy philosophical attempt to make religion fit science. Procronism

”I venture to suggest that not only the Planets and Satellites of this system, but the Sun itself - nay, the millions of Suns, that, to our eyes are but specks in space- (yet each one, perhaps, with its system of planets and satellites) are none of them habitable as yet, but are being prepared by God for habitation; each in succession to be got ready for Colonization from Earth by Adam’s race. That God is, we may say, furnishing his great House of many mansions, of which one small apartment alone is occupied.”

In what Stephen Jay Gould has called "glorious purple prose," Gosse argued that if one assumed creation ex nihilo, there would necessarily be traces of previous existence that had never actually occurred. "Omphalos" is Greek for "navel," and Gosse argued that the first man, Adam, did not require a navel because he was never born; nevertheless he must have had one, as do all complete human beings, just as God must have created trees with rings that they never grew. Thus, Gosse argued that the fossil record—even coprolites—might also be evidence of life that had never actually existed but which may have been instantly formed by God at the moment of creation.

JackPedigo 9 Dec 22
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Hmm, this seems to be an argument for a Trickster God


Heraclitus Level 8 Dec 22, 2018

Didn't work

@JackPedigo fixed

How about this one?[]


So, god was trying to fool us? I guess if he is omnipotent and omniscient, he could do anything he wants.

sfvpool Level 7 Dec 22, 2018

@Antifred Isn't what you're referring to "spirit?" I thought God's name in the Old Testament was Yawheh, taken from YHWH. I understand that he was described as a spirit and that in the Hebrew Scriptures there is no indication that he had a gender. I'm using the term "he", rather than "it", or "he/she." But, since there is no god, it really doesn't matter to me.

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