
A place to exercise reason, deep thought, freethinking, and share research, articles, videos, and a variety of sources pertaining to philosophical concepts. Debate and discussion are open and welcome. Be sure to remain clear, concise, and manage your grammar. Edits should be .. Read more

A place to exercise reason, deep thought, freethinking, and share research, articles, videos, and a variety of sources pertaining to philosophical concepts. Debate and discussion are open and welcome. Be sure to remain clear, concise, and manage your grammar. Edits should be .. Read more

Posts Tagged "laws" By EliRodriguez11 (2) Posts by anyone

Dec 22, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Rachel99
I don't understand what Aronra was up to in this video. Doesn't the Christian seem really silly yet Aronra didn't even win the debate. And he said rocks are conscious?
Dec 27, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tipi
Hello, Terrafriends. Happy terraseasonal holidays. Thank you for receiving me here. What do you think about a moral/ethical interpretation of the relativity law?( Decoding/reinterpreting one-stone (einstein). The (ethical)...
Sep 10, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by AlanCliffe
As to why so many of the rightist thugs in our day, both with and without executive power, both the Mussolini wannabes of the DJT type and their acolytes, have clothed themselves and their movements in religious garb, it may be useful to consider two...
1 comment
Shared from Philosophy & Meaning
Aug 29, 2020Aug 2020

Posted by Spongebob
Is existential awareness necessary towards freedom from religion? Once a person is aware of the absurdities of living, that they are but a decaying bag of chemicals governed by the laws of nature, they would realize that their attachment to religion ...
Jun 13, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by Jetty
LINKInteresting video on ethics by C. S. Lewis Doodle
Jun 21, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by Matias
"We are repeatedly told these days that we are living in a new and frightening era of “post-truth”, and that lies and fictions are all around us. Examples are not hard to come by. In fact, humans have always lived in the age of post-truth. Homo...
May 2, 2019May 2019

Posted by NR92
Is there absolute morality law, or in other word absolute good thing or bad thing?
Feb 21, 2019Feb 2019

Posted by towkneed
The Dean of a University was asked to rank the departments. Physics came in last, he said because of all the expensive cyclotrons and high end equipment. Math was his second favorite because all they ever needed was a chalkboard and trashcans. ...
1 comment
Jul 14, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Matias
Is there only one kind of truth; only one kind of reality? Or are there several types of reality? The sentence "Emma Bovary died by suicide" is true although "Emma Bovary" is only a fictitious entity, an element of an inter-subjective reality (in ...
May 8, 2018May 2018

Posted by EliRodriguez11
For some reason, it is very difficult for me to find people who are both existentialists and determinists. They tend to be either one or the other. Can someone explain this for me? The only reason I could see is because by eliminating objective ...


Posted by JettyPerspective

Posted by PontifexMarximusWhy Evolution Is True … I never realised that there was still so much opposition to science. []

Posted by NR92What is the reason to live? What are we living for?

Posted by NR92Is it correct that Nietzsche was Hitler's inspiration?

Posted by mzeeWhat is fear?

Posted by DonaldHRobertsThe Most Complicated question ever asked. WHY?

Posted by TheMiddleWayRussel, the greatest salesman the world has ever known!

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