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Paganism versus Xtianity, Where exactly is the difference?

Triphid 9 Oct 31
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Was this from High Times or Playboy? It is most excellent!

Neither, actually found it on a Christian Meme site.

@Triphid I could swear I have seen it way way back when I was skinny and had hair on my head! care to share the meme site, if possible?


This concept has been percolating in my head for years. This says it all.


The fact is they are both the same. Doesn't matter what they picture they are still inannimate (or could be animate) objects being worshiped. Religion is all the same. Now the universe as a whole is an entirely different matter. And that should be understood not worshiped.

Theresa_N Level 8 Dec 17, 2019

Hmm, given the apparent options, I would prefer to acknowledge or worship the birds, the water buffalo, and the phallus, rather than any society who would nail a man to timbers...

Rustee Level 7 Mar 10, 2019

I often muse that IF the mythical Jesus had been a boilermaker then would he have been spot welded on a couple of very old 'boilers ( haggard, tired old women)' instead ….LOL.

@Triphid - a very good question!


I based my life on 'the book'. I would have died for 'the book'. The book is made of paper...trees...i worshipped a god of wood....and I remember teaching my children how silly that was...

Realist9 Level 6 Nov 29, 2018

Thank you, thank you , thank you!

MojoDave Level 9 Nov 11, 2018


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Posted by WordI had thought of this one but never ordered it.

Posted by WordI had thought of this one but never ordered it.

Posted by ReadyforaChangeMy own creation.

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Posted by TampaHeathenMy favorite...

Posted by BakuninA local skaters group

Posted by TriphidPaganism versus Xtianity, Where exactly is the difference?

Posted by Rossy92An appropriate twist on the term creationist.

Posted by jimevansToo bad I totaled this rig several months ago.

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