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LINK Part One: The International Church of: Drink Bleach | BehindTheBastards

It seems like thats what I do on is post links to Behind The Bastards episodes lately but they always seem so relevant... Now just released two episodes on how bleach therapy became a thing if anyone is interested.

The first episode is about the beginning of the problem where this lunatic sold bleach as a cure for pretty much anything. Part two is about the woman who made it about autism. (the show is very definitely anti- bleach therapy)

For those who don't listen to the Behind The Bastards podcast Robert Evans does research on bad people and then hosts a show with a cohost (who is usually a comedian) about it in detail. It's very informative but they do swear sometimes make jokes about sex and drugs and stuff while they talk about very serious things. If you aren't into that you might not want to listen. I like it.

MsAl 8 July 18
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Posted by nifaunWhy fit in when you was born to stand out?

Posted by altschmerzI was diagnosed with autism by a psychologist after a day of testing, but my current therapist keeps saying she doesn't think I have it (or I'm a "little bit" autistic).

Posted by altschmerzI was diagnosed with autism by a psychologist after a day of testing, but my current therapist keeps saying she doesn't think I have it (or I'm a "little bit" autistic).

Posted by altschmerzI was diagnosed with autism by a psychologist after a day of testing, but my current therapist keeps saying she doesn't think I have it (or I'm a "little bit" autistic).

Posted by MsAlAutism is

Posted by MsAlPointing out or caring about things that people dont notice or that make them uncomfortable and being labeled as unperceptive because of it.

Posted by AustinSkepticusMy brain in summary, can you relate?

Posted by mikecagainThis is my favorite quote about autism. Not sure if it's been posted before.

Posted by ipdg77The Maori word for autism is.............

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea18 years ago today my baby brother was born.

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea18 years ago today my baby brother was born.

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea18 years ago today my baby brother was born.

Posted by matthew1954Paper turned in by Autistic 2nd grader. Pure genius, IMO

Posted by MelissaJHHi, everyone.

Posted by JazznBluesThis is my daughter Gabrielle.

Posted by Donto101My son is autistic and a very picky eater.

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