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LINK Sesame Street autism controversy: Julia is a great character, but the show must end its partnership with Autism Speaks.

I’m not familiar with Autism Speaks. I’m not cool with a stupid diet but I imagine parents do go through some grieving when they find out their child has autism. Shoot, I went through some grieving when I was diagnosed a couple of years ago.

For the record I saw a couple of clips of Julia on the news and I thought she was pretty cool. I’m glad Sesame Street created her.

altschmerz 9 Aug 17
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Yes, it's [] who are upset by Autism Speaks and their dominance in the autism community. I follow ASAN and agree with their beefs against AS. ASAN motto is "Nothing About Us Without US". Which seems fair. AS started out with good intentions (I think), but have morphed into what seems to be very anti-autism, and for most autists, this is demeaning. However, I feel they should stay in the mix and continue to work on changing things, rather than simply cutting ties. I don't think that will help their cause.

AgnoLulu Level 5 Aug 18, 2019

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