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I feel so alone because my hubby just won't educate himself on aspergers, how can we have a marriage when he does not know who I am(It's finished anyway) how can he help and understand his kids!!I don't get it !! I can't wait to be out of this marriage

1ditrana 5 June 20
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I'm so sorry you're going through this 1Ditrana. I hope you'll find some company here........ many of us with similar experiences. Take good care of yourself.

Brunnion Level 7 June 24, 2018

I'm so sorry for your situation. I'm glad you're taking steps to remove yourself from it. In this day and age of the Internet, there's no excuse not to educate yourself on topics you need (or want) to know. I don't technically have Asperger's, but I'm pretty sure a friend is somewhere on the spectrum. Hell, I'm probably somewhere on the spectrum too if I were tested. I read a great book on the subject, "The Complete Guide to Asperer's Syndrome," by Tony Attwood. It opened my eyes tremendously.

That is the book I got him

@1ditrana Oh boy, then he's hopeless. Again, good for you for getting out of it.

If you want to know if you're on the spectrum A, I included the test for women in my previous post.

@Abbelyne Thank you. How do I find it?

@ArgosFriend You click on our group title and it comes up with a list of recent posts. But I'll put it up again here. Let me know how you go.

@Abbelyne Thank you so much for taking the time to put it up for me. My book has a list of traits, some of which I have, but I'll have to check to see if there's an actual test. (I don't think so.) Honestly, I won't have the patience to sit through 16 minutes; is there a simple written test? Thanks!

@ArgosFriend Unfortunately, there's nothing simple about diagnosing women on the spectrum ........ and because it's relatively new, there's few professionals who know the tests specifically for women. Most will still give you the test for men, then declare you're not on the spectrum but have bipolar or borderline personality disorder. If you know a psychiatrist who specialises in women with autism, that might be the go (but expensive). The other option might be to print out the above test and ask your regular doctor or a friend to ask the questions and add up the score.

@Abbelyne Thank you 🙂 Perhaps this weekend, I'll look at the video. I appreciate your help.

@Abbelyne Thanks for posting this. It was really interesting. I have AS in my family and I know that I do not have AS, but I do share many of these traits.

@Sapiophile I must confess that I haven't taken the test yet. I honestly don't think I have it, but like you, I do have some of the markers. Perhaps we all do. Hence the spectrum.


I’m sorry

Donto101 Level 7 June 21, 2018

One of the reasons I'm glad my current boyfriend is at least reading Atwood's book.

I got the Attwood book for him,he couldn't be bothered

@1ditrana, in other words, a guy I've been dating a couple months is more motivated to learn than your husband. I'm sorry, yes, it sounds like he isn't going to put any effort into your relationship, which means it's over.


I'm sorry, I know approximately how you feel. I was in your shoes not so long ago. Different reasons, but same desperation to get out. I don't know you or what you want, but a small piece of advice, don't allow yourself to fall in love with someone new too quickly. I was warned and ignored the warnings and ended up getting my heart ripped from my chest again. That feeling is far far worse than what I felt about my terrible marriage.

paul1967 Level 8 June 20, 2018
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