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Might anyone else here be a natural stoic in terms of hatred, anger, and jealousy? (lacking such emotional responses).

Secular_Squirrel 7 Sep 8
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I think it's interesting that the emotions you list are all aggressive ones.

towkneed Level 7 Oct 8, 2018

Wow - that's such an interesting question. I am not autistic (although I am INTJ which has a lot of similarities to aspergers and my son has aspergers - I may just be undiagnosed). I get frustrated very easily but it does not come from a place of anger - I can get so angry at a co-worker's actions but it doesn't make me turn around and make me hate the person or wish him harm. I joke about it I guess, and get worked up when talking about a situation and might joke that I wish something horrible would happen to them, but I never really feel that way. I only wish the best for other people.

And during breakups I generally just move on. I have certainly cried over guys before, but it was usually crying over unresolved situations. If something is resolved - he's done with me or I'm done with him - then I can move on easily and detach from him emotionally. I sometimes worry about myself that this comes as easily to me as it does. That was true of jealousy as well - the guy I was in love with in high school dated other girls, not me. I was happy for him because I liked him and he seemed happy so who was I to want him to be anything but happy?

I do think these are probably signs that I may be more on the spectrum than I realize.

Hihi Level 6 Sep 8, 2018

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