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My 5 year old has been having a very hard time lately. Last week he went out the front door without telling anyone and was standing across the street looking at the house and laughing. We changed all the locks to have keys on both sides and attached a key on a chain to a magnetic plate on the inside (so there will be no risk of being locked in). He's potty trained but has begun urinating on the floor at times. Last week at school he did #2 and then ran screaming back to class back to class with his pants down without wiping. He also keeps hitting his mother and I and sometimes his younger brother. He will run up to his mom or me, hit us and then run away laughing.
I love him so much. He has had periods like these in the past and they do not last longer than a week or two. But my wife is close to a breakdown I think. I keep it together because I have no choice, but I don't always keep my cool as much as I want to.

Update:. Thanks everyone. He's actually come out of it now. He has periods like this.

towkneed 7 Nov 8
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You guys seems to really need a break may your love overcome your frustration. Here is something my friend uses on his autistic kid that keeps running off.


I have no advice. I'm dealing with a 12 year old hormonal nightmare. Vent away. We are aware of the love versus frustration element. There is no answer to the dilemma.

Hihi Level 6 Nov 8, 2018

I don't think anyone here is going to give you any advice that you should feel comfortable taking. That is something you need to get from a professional, but I can tell you that as strange as this behavior seems to be it probably seems worse than it actually is. At his age I acted out in very similar ways and it was because I was stressed and insecure, especially at school. From everything you've said I can tell you that your son's actions mirror my own but I don't know if that's meaningful information because his reasons could be vastly different than mine. That's all the advice I have and trust me when I say, it's not worth much. If you have any questions feel free to message me.

paul1967 Level 8 Nov 8, 2018

Thanks. I posted more to vent than anything.

@towkneed It's vent worthy. I identified with everything you said about your son and I feel for you. It's difficult.

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