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I'd like to find a friend from this group that has some educational background in sociology, psychology, philosophy, and anthropology. As far as philosophy goes, you could just be a little book smart so long as the basics covered in a book called The Philosopher's Toolkit are known. Why this group? Because autism is something I wish to accommodate in the culture I am working on creating.

You must see a problem with Autism speaks to meet my criteria as autism speaks is recognized as a hate group for good reasons. You are here so that is great being an atheist and all means no religious bias and that is necessary because the system that determines what is a religion and what is a cult that I am going to be making a part of said culture can tend to ruffle panties with religious types.

We will use Discord for this project and though we won't likely be friends at the start, perhaps the endeavor will lead to such.

The culture I am designing places no value on body language but instead teaches people to be open honest and straight forward and makes no excuses for those who would rather rely on using body language.

The culture I wish to create will have inquiry as the communicational norm, people who make accusations and assumptions and treat such as if fact and act on such will face severe social stigma.

The culture also places emphasis on emotional hygiene and emotional stability as an essential part of what it means to truly be a mature adult. Hatred, anger, and jealousy are expected to fade with time in this culture, I've written an entire piece on this and have proven that such can indeed be accomplished by a simple change of mindset. It's essentially stoicism 2.0

People in this culture have mandatory philosophy courses in their late grade school to highschool years, these courses are to help teach them critical thinking, emotional hygiene, and teach them to value the agency and welfare of others while acknowledging their weaknesses as individuals that shines light on their need for such. These philosophy courses will also go heavily into humanistic morality and how to more effectively use empathy and critical thinking to determine right from wrong. The philosophy courses will also teach a system of thought that will help people be mindful of when they are being arrogant, overly-self-critical or truly be viewing their own self, perspective, and capabilities accurately in a moment (I call this self-realism).

When someone from this culture encounters another person whom happens to have charisma, they will be taught to raise their guard as charisma is an essential trait of the successful machiavellian types. Essentially people in said culture will be immuned to manipulation the relies on charisma.

This culture will place great importance on a process called self-actualization and people in the culture who are well on their way with such process will be held in higher esteem than those who are not. This is essential in part because someone with a cluster B personality disorder can not self-actualize and those with said disorders are manifestations of the Dark Triad

What is this culture I am working on?

It's a culture that is designed to expel the survivalistic advantages of people whom represent something called the Dark Triad in a sense. If such a culture was the norm world wide from the very dawn of human civilization, we'd have never had a single world war, and wrongfully marginalized people wouldn' be a problem. I need help ironing this culture out, I've spent so much time on it already but can't seem to adequately flesh it out. It's already the culture I personally feel I can identify with, the problem is putting it into words and publishing it as a book and I am struggling with such.

Secular_Squirrel 7 Dec 2
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I'm intrigued by your idea. My philosophy studies (master's degree in social sciences, 2004) were focused on this question of modernity, and looked at the arguments for and against whether we are still living in modern times, or have we crossed the threshold into living in post-modernity? Maybe reading a general description of life in post-modernity will spark some similarities, as society evolves toward a more informed, technological species. The work of Jurgen Habermas from Germany comes to mind.

Also, critical thinking and its role in education can be traced back to a Brazilian author (I think) named Paulo Friere. I studied him during my second master's degree on fellowship to become a teacher to culturally and linguistically diverse learners (master's degree in curriculum and instruction).

Despite my years of education, I am disabled and recovering from having my toes on my right foot amputated due to a blood clot, so I have time on my hands. These are just things that popped into my head as I read your post.

And I'm shocked to hear Autism Speaks is a hate group. Did I read that correctly?

Swanky Level 6 May 8, 2019

Interesting concept-you just described my background-BA in sociology, courses in anthropology, psychology and social theories. I run five groups here so pretty busy.


Good Morning,

I am curious, when you talk about a culture, are you talking about for a work of fiction, or trying to create one IRL? I am assuming the former. Creating a fictional world is not only a lot of fun, but it does require a massive understanding of human nature. It is strange that many assume that those of us with Asperger's do not grasp human nature because we supposedly do not have empathy. The actuality is most Aspie's that I know, myself included, are more empathetic, just do not show it the same as NT's. Avid people watchers and often amateur philosophers.

I very much like your idea of philosophy being a required course. Unfortunately, many philosophers were trying to prove the existence of god. The few, such as Kant that actually go against that are often either discredited or have their philosophy twisted.

I love to talk philosophy and world building. I am working on a fantasy series myself.

KDrake Level 5 Dec 3, 2018

@Secular_Squirrel sounds great and we may eventually get there when Aspie's finally outnumber NT's and have the power. Maybe four generations from now at the earliest.


Well hello. I'm studying most of what you mentioned, and I work within the field of adult autism.

Sofabeast Level 7 Dec 2, 2018
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Posted by altschmerzI was diagnosed with autism by a psychologist after a day of testing, but my current therapist keeps saying she doesn't think I have it (or I'm a "little bit" autistic).

Posted by altschmerzI was diagnosed with autism by a psychologist after a day of testing, but my current therapist keeps saying she doesn't think I have it (or I'm a "little bit" autistic).

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