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Finally got a new phone, old one was way too glitchy!

Thankfully the stimulus check came a while back, well all but the portion for our kids.

If the bike I am after was the price it is now back when I got the check I would have bought it instead of a replacement phone and a bunch or clothing and household repairs.....

Well, at least this new phone holds the ability to increase my productivity, it is perfect for on the go word processing, just got to finish setting it up. So far the built in mechanical keyboard is taking a bit to get used to, but as I get use to it I am liking it more. It is a bit of a bummer that it is only 4g, but it will serve me well regardless 🙂

Took me a while to figure out the volume control, apparently it was located behind the screen next to the tiny screen for when the device is closed.

Secular_Squirrel 7 June 12
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Congratulations on the new phone. Your mention of the mechanical keyboard reminded me of several random keyboards I sold on eBay. They all, over a period month months, went to Italy. Strange, right? Well, these keyboards all had one thing in common: they made the clicking sound, like old fashioned typewriters. I guess that was a thing in Italy at that time.

Spinliesel Level 9 June 13, 2020

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Posted by nifaunWhy fit in when you was born to stand out?

Posted by altschmerzI was diagnosed with autism by a psychologist after a day of testing, but my current therapist keeps saying she doesn't think I have it (or I'm a "little bit" autistic).

Posted by altschmerzI was diagnosed with autism by a psychologist after a day of testing, but my current therapist keeps saying she doesn't think I have it (or I'm a "little bit" autistic).

Posted by altschmerzI was diagnosed with autism by a psychologist after a day of testing, but my current therapist keeps saying she doesn't think I have it (or I'm a "little bit" autistic).

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