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Here are the "Topics" for groups. check out: [] to see in development. If you run a group, please pick up to 3 for it. If you have suggestions on topic edits, it's not too late smile001.gif

Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief
Books / Writing / Poetry
Debate / Argument
Economics / Social Sciences
Film / Movies / TV
Fan Groups
Hobbies /Interests
Politics / Political Ideology
Religion / Spiritualism
Self Improvement
Sexuality / Gender
Society / Culture

ipdg77 8 May 28
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1 comment

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Why do we need to add more topics to our group? The members are not overly verbose with the main topic of Autism and Asperger's. Isn't it going to make things more complicated having other topics added to this? I vote for no additional topics!

Brunnion Level 7 May 28, 2018

I don't run a group, but I'm kind of confused about this too. Are they suggestions for new groups? Are they topics that existing groups must add? huh?

@Abbeylybe @Admin I think what Admin wants to do is have a broad range of headings for people looking for groups rather than have a list of hundreds to go thru', so if a group to do with health matters is what you're after it will list all those, it's not about adding topics within a group 🙂

@ipdg77 So do the members need to get involved with this? It seems to me that Agnostic has reached a size where the overall format/principles of operation need to be reviewed. On the one hand there seems to be a lot of censorship and control of directions and appearances........ and on the other an attempt to apply democratic principles of organisation.......... and a clash between the two methods. Anyway, good luck with it (and apologies for neuro-divergent grumpiness)

@Admin Oh???

@Admin You don't have to get involved, just wanted the group's feedback on what heading they thought best for this group but it's no biggy, people will find it if they want to 🙂

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Posted by nifaunWhy fit in when you was born to stand out?

Posted by altschmerzI was diagnosed with autism by a psychologist after a day of testing, but my current therapist keeps saying she doesn't think I have it (or I'm a "little bit" autistic).

Posted by altschmerzI was diagnosed with autism by a psychologist after a day of testing, but my current therapist keeps saying she doesn't think I have it (or I'm a "little bit" autistic).

Posted by altschmerzI was diagnosed with autism by a psychologist after a day of testing, but my current therapist keeps saying she doesn't think I have it (or I'm a "little bit" autistic).

Posted by MsAlAutism is

Posted by MsAlPointing out or caring about things that people dont notice or that make them uncomfortable and being labeled as unperceptive because of it.

Posted by AustinSkepticusMy brain in summary, can you relate?

Posted by mikecagainThis is my favorite quote about autism. Not sure if it's been posted before.

Posted by ipdg77The Maori word for autism is.............

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea18 years ago today my baby brother was born.

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea18 years ago today my baby brother was born.

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea18 years ago today my baby brother was born.

Posted by matthew1954Paper turned in by Autistic 2nd grader. Pure genius, IMO

Posted by MelissaJHHi, everyone.

Posted by JazznBluesThis is my daughter Gabrielle.

Posted by Donto101My son is autistic and a very picky eater.

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