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Wow, been in the group for awhile but amazed that there are so few people here. I would have expected more. At any rate it's nice to see where some of the people are from. Not many from my area, just up the hill from Auburn. There is some local groups in Sacramento and one locally [Compassionate Humanists] that I meet with monthly on Zoom. Otherwise the area is quite rich with religious organizations. The people are great but limits my conversations. What do any of you do outside of this organization?

gwillett 5 Sep 27
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Welcome again. Outside this site? The virus has slowed things a lot. Iā€™m in ZOOM classes and in a former Toastmasters club where we do Toastmaster-like stuff. More later.

yvilletom Level 8 Feb 25, 2021

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Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

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