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Ohio, near by? Looks like it will be a great day for a poker run tomorrow. Join one of Ohio's largest poker runs of the year. If you want to ride with my group let me know and I'll give you the address to my place. We will then be meeting at a friend of mine at 9 am.

William_Mary 8 Aug 11
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Enjoy being online again!

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Not in Ohio, or even in the States, so please excuse my ignorance - what is a Poker run?

A poker run is where bikers gather at a given place, sign in pay and join various drawings. You then leave at a assigned time, ride, to another assigned place according to a designed route. This can be done in your own group of friends that you're with or it can be done with the entire collective of participants, depending on the host preferences. When you reach stop 1 everyone draws a card. This goes 3 more stops through the day until you get back to the starting point or the last stop. Again according to the host preferences. Of course the one with the highest hand at the end of the day wins. At this point you're having a cheap dinner, usually hot dogs and or maybe burgers while the drawings are taking place. 50/50's, door prizes donated by sponsors, etc. This particular poker run, for $5 a ticket, gives away a bike at the end of the day. This year it's a road king. This particular poker run will donate proceeds to 12 charities. This particular poker run has a tendency to draw in a few to several hundred people. Some poker runs, usually quite smaller, are held for an individual someone knows that is going through hard times or a family that has had someone recently passed away. In which in that case, some are a yearly event in their name in which the proceeds and donations go to the cause of certain deaths like cancer that they may have died from. We have many through the year that are specifically for kids in various aspects. Certain types of illness they have or had, money donated to a foundation of that effect. Various Veterans causes is another popular one. Bikers giving back to our communities in a socialized effort to help others!

@William_Mary Thnks for that.

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Posted by Word2015 Harley Street 500 and 750. Purchased them for my son and daughter.

Posted by Sept-10thPat , myself

Posted by Sept-10thPat , myself

Posted by blumandolinUnibike gotta have a good sense of balance

Posted by blumandolinIdentify this bike !!

Posted by blumandolin1934 BMW R7 classic

Posted by Ccs34stinnettWas out riding today and had another great ride it's been a great summer

Posted by Ccs34stinnettWas out riding today and had another great ride it's been a great summer

Posted by entrangerI'm new to this group and i'm not sure if anybody else posted their rides. I'm curious though what sort of bikes do Atheists and Agnostics ride? My ever loyal Moto Guzzi California 1100 EV

Posted by William_MaryOhio, near by?

Posted by Captain_FeelgoodYou know you use these too...

Posted by PartyhawkGetting ready to head to the coastline in CT and RI for some wind and water therapy. It's a going to be a beautiful day for some fun, travel and adventure (fta). I hope you all enjoy your day too.

Posted by PartyhawkGetting ready to head to the coastline in CT and RI for some wind and water therapy. It's a going to be a beautiful day for some fun, travel and adventure (fta). I hope you all enjoy your day too.

Posted by Ccs34stinnettDoes anyone out there have a Yamaha I do not have any American motorcycles never did never will I just purchased recently a Yamaha Stratoliner 1900 greatest bike I ever had

Posted by georockwolf1Up to 25 member! Ride on, Brothers and Sisters. Heading to Sturgis ,SD and Jackson Hole, WY in a week.

Posted by georockwolf1Just from a 2885-mile ride to The Outer Banks, Mokues, and a thunder in the Valley, PA.

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