This video shows just how pathetic the Freedom Convoy really is and how few truckers are actually involved compared to the vast majority of truckers who are pissed off that they are being associated with the far right because of a few lunatics. Media hype surrounding the far right fringe that is behind the 50,000 trucker convoy that will be lucky if it reaches even 10% of that number, especially when 90% of Canadian truckers are already vaccinated and do not support these fringe lunatics. Expect to see a huge jump in Covid cases after this bunch of Covidiots have their super spreader event.
They went on and on about how oppressed we are in Canada-I had no idea! Blindingly ignorant does not begin to cover it. I have family and have spoken to people who endured Germany during WW2 and lived in the Communist Bloc afterwards. THAT was a bad time. If this had been tried in North Korea or China now they could win that big prize of becoming an organ donor.
But they did leave their legacy in Ottawa, feces and urine filled snowbanks to be enjoyed later. Vandalism to the Terry Fox monument, dancing and urinating on the tomb of the unknown soldier at the National War Memorial, so classy. They don't understand vax either. The shots don't prevent an infection , they merely keep you off the respirator. Going on the respirator is usually a one way trip.( I have family and friends in health care too). In the end a total Nothingburger of a weekend. Being a citizen incurs responsibilities to your fellow citizens as well. So selfish, immature and self absorbed. Call these people a waaahmbulance already. Grow up.
Almost forgot: Endorsed by Donny and Donny Jr. too, they're a pretty smart couple of losers.
Reporter has no Idea what it is like being the most discriminating people on the planet.
Sure there won't be 50,000 trucks there. These Truckers are fighting for their own right to their own body and minds, is really the big picture. There will be insane things said and done on both sides.
All for the absurdity of centralist greed.
Are you aware that 90% of Canadian truckers are fully vaccinated? Are you aware that the US has the same vaccination mandates that Canada has and so it wouldn't matter if our government rolled back all of the effective health measures that were implemented to keep our health care providers from being overwhelmed and causing a huge spike in Covid deaths?
Are you also aware that the vast majority of Canadian truckers and the general public support these health and safety measures, even if we find them to be annoying sometimes? Also be aware that the so called Freedom Convoy is going to be a huge super spreader event as no social distancing or masks or other safety measures are being implemented?
Sorry the pandemic has been hard on your business, it's been hard on a lot of business owners, including myself but I can always find a way to make money but I only have one life and I won't jeopardize it because wearing a mask and taking precautions is difficult sometimes.
There is proof that vaccines are spreading the Covid far greater in the highest vaccinated countries. .This is by the countries that have the highest vaccination rates who have by far the most Covid cases and Covid deaths. Most Canadian have good reasoning power but are too nice and polite to say so. I just call them as I see them, those centralist fuckery fuckers..
UK just stop their Covid restrictions because Boris got caught partying like hell around Christmas time. All we have to do is catch Trudeau smoking pot at a party, since he legalized it.
Canadian mandated and enprison gays, and marijuana for 90 years and now set free. Prohibition and mandates have not worked ever and certainly not for freedom. My sculpture industry has been destroyed over this Covid nation and harms economy in everyway also.Taking away our liberty for temporary safety. Take away both our Liberty and our safety.
That is true, homosexuals were persecuted and marijuana was banned for many years and most of this was to comply with US mandates but those persecutions have been eliminated in Canada so what would you prefer? Stay here or move to the USA?
Right now, I would move to Florida or Texas in a heartbeat. I love my swimming and my Sculpture and wail in USSR I was famous for to their best. Today being, unvaccinated I can't do both and can't get out of Canada or my province. Own a house in Belize, can't go there neither.
I visited 4 communist countries, now Canada is the worst of the four.
Ooohhh, taking a lesson from the Million Moms people: actual number approx. 3,000.
So annoying that the FOX friends and other Morans are jumping on the band wagon because they have nothing to talk about in the US without risking a subpoena in their own country. lol
Frankly, I'm getting right sick of all this bitching, belly-aching, whining, & acting like spoilt brats wanting their own way, & getting the attention along with it!!!!
Absolutely, I was particularly disappointed when Theon Fleury went on FOX and promoted the lie that 50k truckers and 1.4M Canadians were descending upon Parliament to retake their freedoms. What freedoms are these? If you can drive across the country in a convoy, block traffic and bridges, require the deployment of hundreds of police offices and EMS pros to cover your silly antics and then protest freely at the national capitol then you don't understand what it is to lose your freedoms because you are required to wear a paper mask to do you shopping.
Well it's totally disgusting, & the childish moaning, & groaning nonsense has gotten really old!
I happen to like all my fun masks, from music, to cats, to florals, to sparkly....& they keep my damn face warm in winter, & bugs out of my nose in summer!!!
I live in USSR training swimming and sculpture workshops to the best they have.
Today Being Unvaccinated in Canada I am not allowed to both which I love most doing.
That is true communist and Tyranny.
@Castlepaloma You made your own choice. Live with it
I love my life, its also my responsibility to push back the body snatchers.
They had a pre-Freedom convoy rally here last week. Organizers claimed 500-800 people but as only about 100 and 60% of them were children
I built snow playgrounds of 3 acres for 10 years in a row there. These people can handle 30- to 40- zero and up to 2 Millions attendance for their world's largest winter festival yearly.
Right now, At the capital and in the downtown Streets there is 10,000 a day attendance. Many truckers and people are planning on staying there until the mandates and restrictions are changed.
The toughest animal pound per pound in the forest is a woverin. Only a Canadian Beaver can kill a woverin or wolf in sheep clothing like Trudeau. Beaver drown them at home, in waters they can't excape, by beavers not ever letting go.
Posted by godfree2Carney vs PP resumes
Posted by 1patriotUPDATED: CALL TO ACTION - On March 2, 2024, Paul Fischer, a witness to Human Trafficking charges was unlawfully and criminally assaulted in his home and tasered 4 times by RCMP CST.
Posted by bookofmoronsAnyone else see a potential Trump/Putin type connection here?
Posted by bookofmoronsAnyone else see a potential Trump/Putin type connection here?
Posted by bookofmoronsJust remember - we are all sworn to secrecy but maybe we should send some to Mexico
Posted by 1patriotWhen he says our Senate is diverse and representative of Canada, he omitted this reality.
Posted by 1patriothow liberals get rich!
Posted by 1patriotso he killing the old stock europeans off in canada. I just never thought that was what he ment in this statement. My family has been here for 125 years. my wife family has been 395 years
Posted by 1patriot great job CBC you covered all the bases. Bonuses for 1200 more of you coming soon
Posted by 1patriot[] another brain dead fucker, he just like screwing Margret Turdeau Rolling Stones’ Mick Jagger Mercilessly Booed By Crowd After Praising Justin Trudeau (VIDEO)
Posted by 1patriotCanadians can say the same about the great turd
Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.
Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.
Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.
Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.
Posted by 1patriotHere’s a reminder of the amount that each province will receive, or not receive, under the unfair federal equalization program.