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If you had “Enough of the Corruption” – We have some information you May be interested in Researching: []

At one time or another, most of us have embarked on an effort to change the current system that has been a part of ourselves and our lives.

As a rule, these sorts of changes don’t occur overnight, they take time and effort.

They tend to evolve through a multistage process:
First stage is voting in another political party to see NO changes.
Then writing your so-called elected politicians to have them ignore your concerns.
Then the next step, you create petitions, that never go anywhere.
Then, you protest and still they do not listen.

Then, you file court cases in their controlled system that is a waste of time and money.
So, after all these steps FAIL, what do you do?

You find a new path and research a plan, to actually create the change that is needed.

Here we have like-minded men and women to work on ideas, a plan, and a commitment to actually solve the problem.

The Problem is the System; yes the system, their system, created by them to enslave the sovereigns.
So, we discovered the problem, it's their plan, their ideology, and their continued commitment to harm everyone.

So, we the sovereign man and woman, are committed, have a plan and a solution.
What is the most powerful document a nation can have?

Have You ever wondered Why the Politicians created the Constitution ACT and call it a Constitution?

A Constitution, not just any Constitution, a Constitution written by the sovereigns, NOT the Politicians. This will be the first recorded Constitution created to Protect Unalienable Rights, Property Rights, and Restore Natural Law. This will be the greatest step to ensuring a Future for all of our children and grandchildren. Let Unify the Sovereigns on a REAL SOLUTION!

1patriot 8 Dec 10
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Is Canada like Australia as in our Head of State is wing nut Charlie boy now? The reason I ask is if so, just wait until you become a Republic. Then you change the rules.
I've thought about Australia. No foreign ownership or military of or on our soil #1. You really want a piece of it? Become a citizen? Too easy. Done. Can do!
Constitution is good and all, but a Bill of Rights is where the Yanks really excelled. That should come first, I think, for any Nation. Then make a Constitution that makes the bastard's in power stick to the Bill of Rights, whoever's in. A referendum on removing the current Head of State is the civilized way to do it for Australia. Would pass now Lizzy is gone. Is Canada the same position as Aust?

My cunning plan that cannot fail? If we can get AI to robotically run services; sewerage, rubbish, landscape maintenance, medical, food etc we won't need so many politicians. We will be serviced by mechanical slaves so who will care? Not the slaves, they will just do. Robots you see. Piss off globalists who need our consumer consumption. Universal wage, work for extra if you want, but no need.
Hello 1984, which seems more likely.

puff Level 8 Dec 10, 2023

Agreed we really be rid of the DUTTON THE DISASTER and his loverboy ALBO THE ARSEHOLE.
Our real problem is the so called party system. It breeds corruption at it's very essence.
I totally agree we need a bill of rights. and a mass extinction of politicians.

If we must have politicians , let them be totally independent of any party. and rule by consensus. for the people, not for big business and banking moguls.

@vocaloldfart like the Senate at the height of Roman times, all independent thinkers with no party affiliation.

@puff It served them well for centuries until some clowns decided to crown themselves as emperor, which bought about the near total collapse of the Roman empire. Near, not total, they are still alive and well in paedophilia incorporated politely called the Roman Catholic Church..

Canada and Australia are both related to the King. Canada was said to become a country in 1867 but in fact we did not become a country we become a corporation as did the USA and i would guess the same thing all common wealth countries. we have been lead to believe the politicians work for the people when in fact they work for the corporation. the NWO is about tear down human rights in all western nations. and are pushing communism well tell the kids you don't need to work we will give you money.... what joke the robot thing is for the benefit of the people they are planning a mass extermination. all political parties answer to the banksters, just like when you play monopoly when you have all the land and all the money the game is over. do you not have organization in Australia like we have in Canada call constitutional convention the WEF started at the bottom the corrupted the mayors and municipalities and convinced to pass bylaw to restrict rate payers it going to be a long road back to get all the pricks out and they need to serve jail time they places people in high positions with in our police and armies and many of it has been in the name of let minority's have the right, to run for office and than they can order them well paying them money to pull this shit. here one episode []

@vocaloldfart yes your right club of rome..... world economic form, the 13 families that are the club of rome. to me they are all the mafia they own the world banks like the bank of international settlements. they have their fingers in Black rock, Vanguard they have made there money out of thin air it's rigged system. and they want to kill religion and bring in satanism. they own hollywood and they own the actors, they stage shootings own the main stream news, the CIA, the FBI......the best thing we can do is not be apart of their program throw the phone away and start raising cattle and growing crops...yes it a long way back. the are Zionist they hide behind the Jewish religion but aren't religionous at all. they started NGO (non governmental organizations)

@1patriot It only works if money is the priority of life, which it is in our societies. The ultimate reward in life. So remove money as a priority.
AI serviced needs won't need money in the long term. Universal wage will allow all to exist. Need to get shelter for homeless sorted out but then, if you want more stuff, work for it.
Like I said, everyone would love a slave but our "morality" agrees it's not really a fair life for the slave. But robots don't have feelings so it is all good. Sci-fi stuff but now we have the knowhow and the ability to make slaves. Even slaves that make more slaves that can do more shit for us. Don't want them to look human, just do all mundane tasks for me. Won't need money so much with slaves so then money will no longer be the priority. Why it's good having slaves; they work for you for free.
"The love of money is the root of all evil" is very true in many respects. Material things. So get rid of the need for money by having a slave force working for our every need. Robots. This technology can be used for more than making weapons you know.

@vocaloldfart we would need recall legislation as independence candidates can be easily bought off. just because these guys have all the money doesn't give them the right to kill any one but they have hidden themselves quite well.

@puff that would be a very tuff sell as many only have a house in the city. is this true The last of Australia's loathed lockdown 'tyrants' steps down
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk calls it quits after a contentious reign during the COVID-19 pandemic. []

@1patriot Yep, she was a thing. Nasty. Got a flu jab pre-pandemic for the TV camera's that wasn't a jab, still had needle cover on. My state Qld. The head honcho medical fascist during Covid slipped into the state Governor role, anointed by her as reward for being a good brownshirt..

@puff yep those criminals there was no shortage of them world wide! she need to be reported to the Nuremberg 2 this time around we will have millions on this list!

@puff The deep ties between the Plandemic and the Black Nobility. There are bigger profiteers than Pfizer if you get time watch this PPP= public/private/partnership/ and they are intwined into everything


@puff yes the mob is running our world in every country!

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Posted by godfree2Carney vs PP resumes

Posted by 1patriotUPDATED: CALL TO ACTION - On March 2, 2024, Paul Fischer, a witness to Human Trafficking charges was unlawfully and criminally assaulted in his home and tasered 4 times by RCMP CST.

Posted by bookofmoronsAnyone else see a potential Trump/Putin type connection here?

Posted by bookofmoronsAnyone else see a potential Trump/Putin type connection here?

Posted by bookofmoronsJust remember - we are all sworn to secrecy but maybe we should send some to Mexico

Posted by 1patriotWhen he says our Senate is diverse and representative of Canada, he omitted this reality.

Posted by 1patriothow liberals get rich!

Posted by 1patriotso he killing the old stock europeans off in canada. I just never thought that was what he ment in this statement. My family has been here for 125 years. my wife family has been 395 years

Posted by 1patriot great job CBC you covered all the bases. Bonuses for 1200 more of you coming soon

Posted by 1patriot[] another brain dead fucker, he just like screwing Margret Turdeau Rolling Stones’ Mick Jagger Mercilessly Booed By Crowd After Praising Justin Trudeau (VIDEO)

Posted by 1patriotCanadians can say the same about the great turd

Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.

Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.

Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.

Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.

Posted by 1patriotHere’s a reminder of the amount that each province will receive, or not receive, under the unfair federal equalization program.

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