9 2

It's serious now. I know a lot of people want to move to Canada (or say they do). I want to move to Montreal. I don't speak French tho. I wonder if it is possible to have dual citsenship? I'm sick of this country. I'm not a felon, and I have a clean record, except minor traffic things. The reason why I'm asking about the dual is because I own property here. That's where most of my income comes from.

Do you know of any sights like that can help me get a job up North? Friend of mine moved to Australia. Didn't have a job when he got there, but got one instantly. The government found out about that, and his boss helped him move back to the US. If he was ever back in Australia, he'd be arrested.

TheGreatShadow 9 Oct 24
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Just curious as to why you wish to move to Canada so badly?

Look at the idiot that is running this country. He also fucked up my health insurance very badly. Can't afford to live here.

@TheGreatShadow Maybe this will help.


Quebec also has it own immigration requirements and they focus on french speaking new comers. Coming through English Canada might be easier. As well the old NAFTA agreement (and I believe the new USAMC agreement) have provisions allowing easy access for certain professions to work on either side of the border.

Thanks for the reply. I should have guessed that every Province has it's own immigration laws. I think in the US if you immigrate you can live in any state. Dunno. Might be easier to get into someplace like Toronto, then move to Montreal?


My SO is a dual US/Canadian citizen, and so is his daughter. When you get Canadian citizenship you will not be demanded to renounce your US citizenship. You will simply be asked whether you wish to give up or keep your US citizenship.

Applying to immigrate is a long process that can be extremely frustrating. Even if you have a sponsor it’s still a pain in the ass. I know. I worked on my SO’s and his daughter’s applications, and later their citizenship applications. You would think that US citizens shouldn’t have a problem immigrating just across the border north to Canada. One thing they said to my SO was that they didn’t like the fact that he was a professional (in trades). He could be taking a job away from someone who was already Canadian or a Canadian resident. At the same time, they would probably have a problem with him if he were unemployed or had no employment skills. It’s extremely confusing and how well it goes depends on who handles your case. I talked to 5 different immigrantion agents and got five different answers about the same thing. Or I got passed around from department to department and ended up where I started.

My point is be prepared for a lot of red tape and a slow process. I’m really glad that was over and hope never to have to do it again. Good luck.

graceylou Level 8 Oct 25, 2018

Thank you for the reply! I should have started this process years ago if I knew things would get this bad. Justin said that (basically) he'd be willing to help Americans move to Canada if trump was president. This country is so fucked right now. I understand there will be lots of red tape. However, I bet it's easier to get a visa or dual in Canada than the US. I've had a few friends that have done OTR from Canada and the US. One lives here, other in Canada. Both said that getting into Canada isn't hard. Getting in the US is a PITA.

@TheGreatShadow I would say every case is different. You may breeze through. It’s quite inconsistent. Best thing is to check out the immigration website and get information on what is required. Talk to the agents on what you need to get started. Once you are a permanent resident, getting citizenship is not difficult as long as you stay out of trouble and reside in Canada the required amount of time. Keeping your US citizenship is not an issue.

I’m an immigrant too BTW. My family moved to Canada 35 years ago. I remembered it took 2 years to get from application to actually arriving in Canada. After that, I would not want to live anywhere else.


Yes, I know being a Canadian is confusing at times because you sound like an American, write like a Brit, and throw in just enough French words to freak every one out.

Slava3 Level 7 Oct 25, 2018

If it works out for you, Montréal is a very bilingual city, you don't need to know French to get by at first but you'll pick it up in no time if you want to. Good luck.

Lukian Level 8 Oct 24, 2018

Thanks man! I haven't been to Canada in a long time. Some of my Canadian friend say you are frowned upon when speaking English.

@TheGreatShadow As a proud French Canadian/Québecer, I would encourage you to make an effort to pick up the language. Individuals that are frown upon are the ones that are locals but that don't make any effort (it shows). You'll need to play the tourist card in the beginning until you feel comfortable speaking some broken words and sentences. Eventually you'll meet a local girl that will show you the tongue (wink).

@Lukian Thanks again for the reply! I took 4 years of Spanish. I can talk to people that don't know a word of English. I live in a Czech community. Don't really speak it, but I understand it. I don't want to go into YOUR country, and not know about faux paus.

Do you know of any good venues there? I know Montreal is the metal capital of North America. European bands might only do one show there.

BTW French-Canadian girls are sexy! If I move there, I hope you are right.


@TheGreatShadow If you come to visit to scope the place PM me. I'll show you the sites.

@Lukian Big 10-4. My passport expired years ago. I'll send you a message if I'm up that way.


This might have some answers for you.



Good luck. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Oct 24, 2018

Thanks! I'll have to do some digging.


You have to go through the proper channels to move here, & get a work visa.


You only need to go to the Immigration Canada website to see the requirements and it's mainly just the US that demands you to renounce your other citizenship. You will have to pay taxes in both countries if you wide up working in Canada while collecting rental income in the US.
Do some more research online, check groups for Expats and government websites for areas of interested such as taxation, employment, landed immigrant status, etc.

Surfpirate Level 9 Oct 24, 2018

Dual citizenship is not a problem, lots of them up here. There are a lot of sites to find employment, getting a work visa is the big step.

1ROBROY2 Level 7 Oct 24, 2018
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