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What is your take on the Democratic Socialist movement as a legitimate liberal alternative to the admittedly spineless and corrupt Democratic Party?

Seeker3CO 8 Oct 14
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It's such an uphill battle.....that is worth it......but I just hate that tons of people on the left accept the establishment narrative driven by status quo politicians and the mainstream media that candidates that actually give a crap about society and it's people can't win an election because they're too idealistic or don't work within the system including raising corporate money or won't get enough votes. With that mentality they never will win. If you vote for them then they will win. What has been in the past and present isn't working. Why not actively choose to change it and prove the establishment wrong? Then they act like WE'RE the problem, but they keep supporting the same corrupt politicians!


I don't think we should accept any one ideology as our way ahead. We should benchmark the best of every approach and apply it to our problems, even if it seems/feels counterintuitive at first. Whatever outcome is the best for citizens should be the goal. Obviously, it's not so simple, but it's a starting point.

dokala Level 7 Oct 21, 2018

It depends on what and who you're referring to as democratic socialist. If you look at the recent DSA (Democratic Socialist of America) movement, you're going to find people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who quickly fell inline with the establishment talking points and supporting establishment agendas along with their politicians. She herself soon after winning her bid in the primary voiced support for Clinton. Who I might suggest is the worse of all of them. Support for Israel over the Palestinians. It will sicken me to go any further into her cowardly flip from her initial fake fighting platform. The same goes towards Sanders and those who want to support another run for him. Most who will only support him until the democrats put forth another establishment candidate. Looking like it may be Biden. Clinton may join to make it look good. It will be good for the party as they turn on each other like Obama and Clinton did. Then they can become best of friends again. See how that works, the fakery. I personally support the Green Party now.

@Seeker3CO the Green Party has almost the same exact platform Bernie Sanders had. Off hand, the only difference is that the Green Party advocates for a major turn towards job creation via green alternatives. Moving the country to wind and solar energy would highly rescue the country from the real employment crisis they don't tell you about when they spew out the false 3.9 unemployment rate. Along with infrastructure rebuilding also. Another newish agenda would probably entail rebuilding the corrupt EPA which Trump has taken to its worse levels. And it wasn't all that great before being its been riddled with corruption for decades. I would argue that the Green Party is about as socialist as we can get without the word socialist in its title or spoken agenda. But then today many of these groups and people spewing out the work socialist are fakes with no real concern for the working class.

Really? I didn't notice the flip from her, but I haven't paid attention to her lately. It's very telling. I also support the Green Party though.

@Piece2YourPuzzle The day after she won her primary she was interviewed by a MSM outlet. Stating after all we know about how the primary went down for the democrats that she would have supported Clinton. When pressed on Pelosi it was obvious she wasn't really willing to ruffle any feathers. And supported the then going attacks on Palestinians by saying Israel has a right to defend themselves. While looking for that video, which seems to be hard to find now, she's made some turn arounds in the Israel statement. I'll have to take a look to see if I actually posted it when it was done after her win when I have time. I know I did bring it up though. I'll give her credit for the sit in the other day at Pelosi's office. But she has a lot of homework to do in foreign affairs if she's going to keep up with the big dogs. She better be spending every free moment getting caught up on the history of our government involvement around the globe to fight the establishment. Being a mere few issue girl in DC isn't going to cut it. There's a hell of a lot more to it than fighting for a green way, women's rights, and speaking out about the elites. You have to actually know what's happened and have a plan or opinion to fight back with.

@William_Mary Wow! Thanks for the info. I'm willing to give her another chance being that she is a newbie, but that doesn't sound very encouraging. Hopefully she is just trying to settle in and will try to befriend them to try and do something positive. I will look into her words and behavior firsthand to see what's up with her. If she continues that line of thought then I don't think there will be much hope in her supporters remaining her supporters. Hopefully they will see her words and actions for what they are if she continues that way.


The progressives, that is social democrats, are our only hope of taking back the government from the criminals now running it.

EdEarl Level 8 Oct 14, 2018

Democratic Socialism is an alternative. More important perhaps is a Worker’s Party. I’m not even thinking of what is possible or legitimate — rather what is necessary. We need a mass uprising and it won’t come easy...

Bobbyzen Level 8 Oct 14, 2018

@Seeker3CO I’m a member of the SD Party🙂

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Posted by RoboGrahamSome of you will get a laugh out of this.

Posted by RoboGrahamSolid, air tight logic here.

Posted by PBuck0145 Vote for a turd?

Posted by RoboGrahamAlways remember to punch up.

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Posted by dokalaYou don't say.

Posted by Snickers77The MSM is not your friend.

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Posted by Snickers77Blue Wave doesn't mean shit if the same assholes are in office!

Posted by MissaDixonOh so true...and heartbreaking that no one talks about it.

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Posted by Captain_FeelgoodThere's hope for us yet..

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