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The Democratic Party in a nutshell.

Bobbyzen 8 July 21
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Drew69 Level 7 Mar 4, 2020

Without even watching the video, let me guess...........socialism? Lol

After watching the video, what a crock of shit! Lol

84% of the population of the world is religious. Kind of puts a damper on the theory behind the video.

Have anything to say about the actual topic?


Don't blame the Left that the plan took ten years to implement. Blame the Right Wing Capitalist pig exploiters of the working class.

dare2dream Level 7 July 22, 2019

The Democratic Party is not the left. In fact not only have Democrats been fighting to suppress leftist policies, they've lurched to hard to the right and adopted right-wing policies, embracing them as their own, such as welfare reform and three strikes. Democrats under Obama militarized the police force, opened American to a fracking boom and exportation of fossil fuels, expanded the drone program, and expanded or instigated military conflicts in the Middle East. There's much much more that Democrats have done to satisfy their donor class while devastating poor and brown communities in the U.S. and abroad. You've heard of the DNC - Democratic National Corporation. It's no joke. It's killing people. Republicans, on the other hand, make no secret of who they support. Not only are Republicans hopeless, they are a cancer on society. It's unfortunate Democrats have abdicated their role as an opposition party in most ways, maintaining only a veneer of respectability to keep their base fooled.

@jorj What? Both the House and the Senate during the Obama years were controlled by the Republicans.

Nazi means nationalist Socialist Party!!


Yep, that's them. Yet the Democrat voters are convinced they are our saviors and so much better for us. They will say, but they're better than the Republicans. Woopty doo!!!

@jorj If it's Biden I would vote for Stein again.

@jorj Not sure. I take it as a given though lol. If she doesn't then I might just write someone in.

@jorj really here's Berniecrap in a nutchell!!! Conrad Bernie your order is ready 400 million people starving waiting for your freebies come on down get your free this and free that free education free welfare free food free medicine how much is that going to cost again 96 trillion and that's not including free healthcare free medicine free education let's just talk about the numbers coming into this country without any due process.. and getting rid of the wall to protect American citizens!.

@jorj, @Piece2YourPuzzle I wonder once if he becomes president how many lines for the bread like Russia will we have to wait for?

@jorj well what about the propaganda that Bernie spots off about how great socialism is all these countries that have socialist government and are so rich and so better than the United States like Sweden this supposed to be living the American dream I fail to see how 80% tax rate is so great? Even right now a billionaire is in a whole different tax bracket and he's going to spend 52% of his wealth to pay for taxes so hypothetically if he makes an invention that brings him a billion dollars 1 billion he's going to have to pay out 520 million so he's only going to receive 480 million you tell me what did the government do to earn that 520 million dollars? A politician had to sit on their ass and say you owe me 52% I don't see how we earned it? Cuz you know if you're in a Democratic party you're going to wind up spending a lot of waste of money his government doesn't know how to spend or save for that matter.

@jorj socialistic propaganda is the biggest thing lot of propaganda lot of bulshit like Venezuela and Guatemala how great are their government is all dictators all telling them what they can and can't do and taking from them their money here we got money involved so you know it's corrupt they take the money and keep it for themselves that's how socialistic government really works and it's not propaganda it's based on facts!! Any time you have power power corrupts and when you're dealing in absolutes like most Marxist socialist thing absolute power corrupts absolutely.

@Drew69 All you have is unsubstantiated bullshit and lies.

@Piece2YourPuzzle if you believe that then you sir are brainwashed the facts that people from all over the world want to come here and get the freedoms that we have here show that the capitalist way is right people know this evening from all over the world even from so-called socialist countries I communicate with a woman a teacher best from Venezuela and she can tell you does socialism doesn't work there or in several other countries that are socialist so you sir are brainwashed into believing something let me reiterate believe which is 0 facts and all brain.

@Piece2YourPuzzle here's some facts hope your brain don't get in the way!!.

@Piece2YourPuzzle no sir all that comes from the left like the 4 Pinocchio's of Adam shifty and Pelosi Hillary Clinton Bill Clinton the White House sham the impeachment process and I could go on and on and on on that!!!...

@jorj The ballot is for freedom of choice the choose who you want to lead. I don't think it has anything to do with socialism other than the fact that it's supposed to be a social matter of leadership. In socialism is another part of big government. Big government control not anytime you give somebody more control there's more corruption. How's that wisdom go, absolute power corrupts absolutely. That again is unconstitutional the founding fathers did not want big government control that's why they divided up into States and representatives You see it in so many of the socialistic countries like Guatemala and Venezuela you're playing a fine line when you put in socialistic values and ideology and again it's more control and it's getting rid of your freedoms it stands to logic you're telling people how much they can earn by imposing higher taxes to a rich person that's in itself Prejudice toward a wealthy individual. The wealthy already pay more in percentage taxes yes they get tax breaks and they can deduct some of it on number employees and amount they give to charities But that's a small return. Basically chump change even by a poor man standard. And generally that goes back into the corporation buying equipment for its employees improving production. Do you know all the policies that Bernie is going to implement when he gets in to office do you know he's going to fine homeowners $75,000 for home improvements? You know how unfair that is. My home needs a lot of Home Improvements. I need a new water heater, new furnace, you think I'm going to be able to afford $75,000 fine for that? There's little quirks in his system that he's going to get money back for to pay for all these freebies the free college free healthcare free this free that and they're unconstitutional by laws, that he's proposing, if you vote that fucker in.

@jorj well that's how much Sweden is paying on taxes roughly anywhere between 60 and 80%. There's no incentive to make more. You can never be rich and never have a wealthy life there's no chance of that. And again if you take away the wealthy there can be no improvements. America is a strong capitalist country we've got a lot of technological advancements and a lot of it is over other countries. If it wasn't for capitalism!. And Sweden got most of its wealth from capitalism till it turned a socialist but it's a mild socialist government compared to what Bernie Sanders is going to implement. And that's coming from the Sweden prime minister , he told news that Bernie Sanders is an extremist on socialistic policy !..

@Drew69 So much of what you say is flat out wrong. I'm not going to take the time to point it all out though. I'm tired of trying to educate people like you. You don't even know what socialism is, let alone that Venezuela was about 70% private industry, i.e. capitalism. It will probably soon be 100% private industry after U.S. puppet appointees privatize their oil industry. You also completely ignore manipulation of their economy by other countries. Mainly the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. I could go on about your unsubstantiated claims and bullshit lies, but it would be useless.

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Posted by RoboGrahamSome of you will get a laugh out of this.

Posted by RoboGrahamSolid, air tight logic here.

Posted by PBuck0145 Vote for a turd?

Posted by RoboGrahamAlways remember to punch up.

Posted by RoboGrahamThis is our situation.

Posted by BobbyzenThe Democratic Party in a nutshell.

Posted by dokalaYou don't say.

Posted by Snickers77The MSM is not your friend.

Posted by Snickers77Blue Wave doesn't mean shit if the same assholes are in office!

Posted by Snickers77Blue Wave doesn't mean shit if the same assholes are in office!

Posted by MissaDixonOh so true...and heartbreaking that no one talks about it.

Posted by Snickers77It's easy to be against Trump, but what do you stand for?

Posted by Captain_FeelgoodThere's hope for us yet..

Posted by Snickers77No longer voting for corporate Democrats.

Posted by sadoslimThis is my political compass and where I lean. I am technically a Liberal Socialist and will stand with those views.

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