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A better question would be:

"Why do so many leftists consistently support Islam?"

PBuck0145 7 Mar 26
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These anti-Democrat [sic] Party Liberals are all but drowning in their own fear. They are conservatives so fear, especially of anything Islamic, moves them. They are anthoritarians so they dislike ambiguity, and because the words Democratic and democratic are ambiguous they use Democrat to refer to the Democratic Party. And they will deny all of the above.

yvilletom Level 8 May 22, 2020



Look at any book that portends to be the word of god or prophets and you’ll find any number of stupid assertions and laws.

Bobbyzen Level 8 Mar 26, 2020

Are you giving a reason why so many leftists consistently support Islam?

@PBuck0145 Can you back up your assertion? Tell us who “consistently supports Islam.”

@Bobbyzen Bernie Sanders, George Galloway, Jeremy Corbyn, Justin Trudeau, most of the Canadian New Democratic Party,

@PBuck0145 I think I understand where you’re coming from now. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you’re equating their calls for equal rights for Palestinians with support for Islam. I see them as very distinct from each other.

@Bobbyzen Incorrect.

@PBuck0145 Then correct me. Give me an example of, say, Bernie Sanders’ “consistent support for Islam.”

Failure to oppose the propagation of political Islam and Sharia equates to de facto support for the ideology. This failure is exemplified by Sanders, @Bobbyzen, and several regressive leftists on this site.

IMHO political Islam is currently humanity's and Western culture's greatest existential threat, surpassing even that of the Chinese virus. Tolerance of Islam's threat is similar to the tolerance and support for National Socialism which existed in the 1930s, and the postmodern support for Communism which persists today.

Action, or lack of action is a more reliable indicator of intent than are words.

@PBuck0145 Your ideology condemns Muslims with fake characterizations. None of the “lefties” you mention condones terrorism or whatever your bullshit meme says. I’ll leave this post with one final thought: Spend your time and energy healing the world, not dividing it.

@PBuck0145 is himself divided and unable to heal anything.
A former Xian I’ve known for a decade who is now a Trumpian is convinced that Islamists are taking over America. I asked him to identify even one elected governing body with more than one ‘Islamist” member, let alone a majority, and he could not. He feels so powerless that he is all but drowning in his own fear.

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Posted by RoboGrahamSome of you will get a laugh out of this.

Posted by RoboGrahamSolid, air tight logic here.

Posted by PBuck0145 Vote for a turd?

Posted by RoboGrahamAlways remember to punch up.

Posted by RoboGrahamThis is our situation.

Posted by BobbyzenThe Democratic Party in a nutshell.

Posted by dokalaYou don't say.

Posted by Snickers77The MSM is not your friend.

Posted by Snickers77Blue Wave doesn't mean shit if the same assholes are in office!

Posted by Snickers77Blue Wave doesn't mean shit if the same assholes are in office!

Posted by MissaDixonOh so true...and heartbreaking that no one talks about it.

Posted by Snickers77It's easy to be against Trump, but what do you stand for?

Posted by Captain_FeelgoodThere's hope for us yet..

Posted by Snickers77No longer voting for corporate Democrats.

Posted by sadoslimThis is my political compass and where I lean. I am technically a Liberal Socialist and will stand with those views.

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