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Well we are rapidly approaching the season of the VOTER. Please feel free to express yourself at the ballot box. That is what has and will continue to make the USA the best country in the world. I say vote early and vote often !! ?

Theskeptic 7 May 15
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They are beginning to require an ID to vote here which annoys me greatly!

Donna_I Level 8 May 16, 2018

@Theskeptic for 17 years we have been able to walk in, give our names, wait for the person to find you on the list, give them your address, watch them check your name from the list, sign a piece of paper and vote.
Now they sit behind a computer and scanner, you scan the id, then you have to hand them the id, the look at you and the id like your trying to steal a car (I've had fewer problems taking a car for a test drive from a car lot!), quiz you on what the card says, stare at the computer screen for a while, punch some keys, stare at the screen, hand your card back, go to the next person, sign your name, get get the ballot. All for a problem that does not exist. ?

@Theskeptic completely agree!

@Theskeptic but just vote once per election.... just say'n ?☺