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Hello Houston. I recently and looking forward to the next chapter. I'm thinking about moving to Florida. Any recommendations? have heard it's very expensive for everyday living. I'm a beach person at heart and heard that's the worse. Recommendations?

westvir 4 July 9
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Coast is expensive but check out real estate prices if you are buying. Living in the least expensive areas means less activities/entertainment if by living in Houston you prefer that. Like Farah said, you get what you pay for and hopefully it works for you.


That's will be a nice idea

Sizemore Level 2 July 10, 2018

I live in Melbourne and love it. I am 10 minutes from the beach and an hour from Orlando. We have everything that Orlando has but without the crime and traffic. Cost of living is moderate. Property taxes are lower than a lot of Florida. You usually get what you pay for.

The west coast of Florida has lovely beaches. Sarasota is wonderful (they have an Amish community) but everything is more expensive over there. I go there twice a year to stay with friends. Mini vacation without the expense.


Fort pierce is fairly cheap for a coastal town but the community events are small and often church sponsored.

Still, I moved back here because a small town still has advantages.

I am less than 3 hours from Orlando and Miami.

Lucy_Fehr Level 8 July 10, 2018

I'll check it. Thank you. Although I might should be a tad worried about not attending organized church events....


It's only very expensive if you pick a pricey area - I've never lived so cheaply. Easy formula - generally, the closer you want to be to the ocean, the more you'll need to pay. Especially regarding homeowner's insurance - as down here, you're in hurricane country, and of course much more vulnerable by the ocean !
I choose to be in the north central part of the state - Ocala area. Lots of gorgeous big trees, HILLS (yes!), great forests, grazing animals to gaze upon, natural cool springs to swim in, and either coast under two hours away.
Do your research !

evergreen Level 8 July 9, 2018

Good to know!


I grew up in Daytona Beach, and cost of living really isn't so bad there. Much of the beachside from New Smyrna up through Ormond by the sea is made up of older homes that rent for surprisingly cheap, with only a few pockets of cruddy neighborhoods. The area is heavily seasonal, but I enjoyed my time there

synergy Level 6 July 9, 2018

so good to know, thanks!

I just moved here to ormond by the sea. I rent a condo on the beach. I absolutely love it! I want to live by the beach for the rest of my life. You are right. There are a ton of old people here.


Thanks so much you two. I will check out Clearwater and Destin.

westvir Level 4 July 9, 2018

I live in Clearwater. I love it here. it's on the west coast so it's on the Gulf, where that water is warmer, and real clear. It's no too expensive to live here. Well, I'm comparing that to where I used to live which was CT.

Tristan ct is really expensive. Lol

@Bigwavedave Yes, it is. when I lived there My parents were loaded and they still are, but after I finnished high school I was given the boot,and not being to be able ti earn that kind of monet, I had to move away. On the up side, after making it on my own I have some what a little respect in their eyes, and they pay for my flight to come visit over the hollidays

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