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Are there good, safe hiking paths anywhere in Florida? I'm moving back to the Sarasota area in a few weeks. I enjoy hiking a lot, but never did it when I lived there before because the wildlife (and some of the people) made it feel a bit scary.

I know there are great biking/walking paths, but anything more outdoorsy (but not extremely deadly)?

Thank you!

Lysistrata 7 Apr 23
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Lys, you must check out Myakka State Park, the second largest in Florida. I lived in Sarasota over 25 and Myakka is very dear to me. It's a vision of pristine Florida—the bird life, hiking trails, the pines and oaks, flocks of deer leaping across a meadow, the glorious Lake Myakka. You can rent a canoe and spend hours with the alligators in the middle of the lake, but let me warn you in big letters: Don't try to pet the alligators. They might not understand.

Aristopus Level 7 Apr 24, 2018

I've driven by the park numerous times, but I've never gone in. I hate to admit it, but I'm a little afraid something in there is going to kill and digest me slowly.

Spending time with alligators sounds a little dangerous.

@Lysistrata Gee, Lys, I was only joking. The alligators stay away but they give the lake a sense of veneration. There's a new skywalk that you have to climb and you'll see the whole surrounding area.

@Aristopus lol.. Floridians are a little crazy. You never know who's cuddling up to what.


There's plenty! We have 168 parks in Sarasota county. Gators arent that dangerous if you keep your distance, remain upright and don't swim where they hang out. Hit me up and I'll show you around. I love an excuse to get out and tramp around.

Just love the way you phrased that last!!! LOL

@phxbillcee it was intentional. I rarely let a good pun pass unused.

@Blindbird Thank you! I would love to tramp around and see what's out there. 🙂


Legacy Trail is a nice hike, Sarasota to Venice, is also a bike path.

I have biked it many times. A lovely area. 🙂


There are many hiking/biking trails throughout Florida. I would not advise a women to use the trails alone, but to at least pair up with a partner whom you can rely on.

wordywalt Level 9 Apr 23, 2018

😟 No fair.

What?! I go on trails by myself all the time. Sometimes I take my two little kids.Thats some alarmist fear mongering you're indulging in there.


Well the beach on the east coast is good for hiking/walking

lbusche Level 7 Apr 23, 2018

Yeah... I think I'm going to be getting a lot of exercise on the beach.

Yes but the walk from Sarasota to get to the east coast is a hike itself


I geocache solo and walk a lot of trails alone. I do carry a walking stick however.
Thieves and robbers generally do not hang out in the woods but it is possible you could run into some teenagers although I never have.

What I do when Im considering a new area is to pull it up on google maps or earth and switch to satellite view. Often times these "wilderness" areas are within shouting distance of homes. If there is a lot of geocaches hidden within it, it is safe.

Lucy_Fehr Level 8 Apr 23, 2018

Thank you, Sherry!

I'm not familiar with geocaching, but I'll look into it. I'm glad you've found a way to stay safe from lunatics. 🙂

@Lysistrata Basically it is looking for a container while out there but it does take me into woods, parks, preserves etc.

@SherryMartin Do people plant objects to find? How do you know it's not a trap?

@Lysistrata Objects are hidden using a gps device. Then others use a gps device to find them. Sign the log then update online or via the app. can explain it far better than I can

@SherryMartin Thanks, Sherry! Sounds like fun.

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