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This has easily become one of my most favorite recipes to make and it is super versatile. I add some cream and sometimes I'll put the chicken in tortillas with corn green chiles and black beans and put the sauce on top as enchiladas, or I'll serve it over Spanish rice, or just eat as is.

It's soooooo yummy! I also add an extra half of cream cheese and some mozzarella to make it super creamy because I'm really sensitive to jalapeno spice so it helps offset it so I just get the flavor of the jalapeno instead of the heat

LadyAlyxandrea 8 Apr 9
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That looks really good have to try it

It's almost always what we make whenever my friends and I get together. So good! You can also shred the chicken and make it into a dip for tortilla chips or quesadilla filling!

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Posted by chalupacabreYucatan Lime soup and a sopapilla.

Posted by CutiebeautyCheese burgers with fried sweet onions and chopped tomatoes.

Posted by chalupacabreCarne asada & spicy green rice. Bought a southwestern cookbook years ago, but have only recently been able to find a lot of the ingredients. I've got some catching up to do!

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Posted by mzbehavinI'm gong to be making this for the boys tonight for supper. They love chicken, cheese, rice and even broccoli. Should be a hit! []

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Posted by mzbehavinScones anyone!

Posted by mzbehavinScones anyone!

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Posted by mzbehavinItalian Sausage Bolognese Sauce (meat sauce) In a hot skillet saute onions and mushrooms in a little olive oil until they start to color, add sausage (or ground beef or turkey) and chop up with ...

Posted by mzbehavinItalian Sausage Bolognese Sauce (meat sauce) In a hot skillet saute onions and mushrooms in a little olive oil until they start to color, add sausage (or ground beef or turkey) and chop up with ...

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