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Italian Sausage Bolognese Sauce (meat sauce)

In a hot skillet saute onions and mushrooms in a little olive oil until they start to color, add sausage (or ground beef or turkey) and chop up with spatula as it cooks. Reduce heat to medium, add seasonings so they can bloom for 1 minute. Then add both cans of tomatoes. Stir and drop heat to simmer, stir every 10 minutes and cook for 1 hour. Spoon over any cooked pasta.

I'm actually only cooking it 30 minutes this morning then I'll refrigerate it until this evening where I will heat it 30 more minutes tonight. Helps cut down on late afternoon heat in the house.

1/2 cup onions chopped
1/2 mushrooms chopped
1/2 lbs ground Italian Sausage or Beef
2 Tlbs Parsley
1 tsp Italian Seasoning
1 tsp Garlic powder or 2 crushed cloves
1 tsp Saly
1/2 tsp Ground Black Pepper
1 15oz can of Crushed Tomatoes
1 15oz can of Diced Tomatoes

Choice of Pasta

I'll post a pic of the finished plate tonight.

mzbehavin 8 Apr 10
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Mmmm, I do love a nice bolognese sauce. A friend made it last week with the agreement that I'd make the spaghetti from scratch. DONE!

Any chance to make pasta from scratch now that I have the Gvode knockoff of the KitchenAide pasta making attachments for their mixer. (Gvode factory in China makes the KitchenAide brand attachments, but sells them under their own label at 1/3rd the price.)

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Posted by mzbehavinScones anyone!

Posted by mzbehavinScones anyone!

Posted by mzbehavinScones anyone!

Posted by mzbehavinWell, I finally got to have my Bolognese tonight. The sausage was mild sweet and delicious. Awesome!

Posted by mzbehavinItalian Sausage Bolognese Sauce (meat sauce) In a hot skillet saute onions and mushrooms in a little olive oil until they start to color, add sausage (or ground beef or turkey) and chop up with ...

Posted by mzbehavinItalian Sausage Bolognese Sauce (meat sauce) In a hot skillet saute onions and mushrooms in a little olive oil until they start to color, add sausage (or ground beef or turkey) and chop up with ...

Posted by mzbehavinItalian Sausage Bolognese Sauce (meat sauce) In a hot skillet saute onions and mushrooms in a little olive oil until they start to color, add sausage (or ground beef or turkey) and chop up with ...

Posted by mzbehavinItalian Sausage Bolognese Sauce (meat sauce) In a hot skillet saute onions and mushrooms in a little olive oil until they start to color, add sausage (or ground beef or turkey) and chop up with ...

Posted by mzbehavinItalian Sausage Bolognese Sauce (meat sauce) In a hot skillet saute onions and mushrooms in a little olive oil until they start to color, add sausage (or ground beef or turkey) and chop up with ...

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