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This is the before and after pics of a cover-up I did last year. these are healed.

JesseBoren 7 June 13
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Apparently Justin turned out to be a little spooky.

MrLink Level 8 June 17, 2018

Hard to believe

MrLink Level 8 June 14, 2018

whats hard to believe about it, it was not altered by photoshop in any way. I believe that practice is deceptive and unethical so I refuse to edit photos being passed off as their actual tattoo work.

@JesseBoren just hard to believe it would be covered up so well by that new one. Is that a knee we are looking at there, or an elbow?

@MrLink this was on her inner thigh. The artist that did it talked her into the size and placement so I suspect he was a sexual predator. Its a problem within the business but its rarely spoken of. Most cities will develop shops that are full of them since real artists will chase them off. Usually someone like this will open their own place and welcome all those like them. I can name the place like that here in my city, the owner is a rapist. All the people that work there have been fired for sexual abuses from varies shops around.

@JesseBoren oh my gosh, that's horrible!

@MrLink better shot of placement

@JesseBoren never ever tattoo the name of a living person on your body

@MrLink you can tell people that all day long and not a single one will listen because they are trying to prove their love is forever



Charlene Level 9 June 13, 2018



Awesome coverup!

IAMGROOT Level 7 June 13, 2018

NICE! I have two Halloween theme tattoos and would like another! That is really great work!

That is awesome and amazing. You cannot tell it was a cover up at all. Amazing art.

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