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At some point in time, knowledge on past matters ends. It is because we can only see so far back. Time is infinite, an when we try to delve into the past to find answers, we'll always eventually hit a point where only time can tell, where the answers are lost and are anybodies guess. We accept that all things come from something yet are all too familiar with the chicken/egg first paradox, so what is the answer? Mine is the chicken. It was delicious (😁). Ok seriously though jokes aside, my answer is another question: can anybody ever truly know? What makes people so sure that there's an almighty being that did it all? How come theists believe in a man-written book, where atheists believe in an explosion of apocalyptic proportions? Some of it's hailed as fact, some, interesting hypothesis and theories or probabilities. I have one solid fact about the whole sha-bang: you're looking for answers to our existance that first beg an impossible to answer question, an that is is there a dawn of time or has time space and reality always just been? There's no priest alive today who has any true bible, there's no scientist that has a knowledge of the workings of the universe that could prove the big bang any more so. These are fun questions to ponder, but unless you're a deity yourself, this stuff is just too far back for any living human being to know. You want some solid answers to any questions you may have? Find a time machine, or some other way to travel back as it's theonly way anybody would know. Remember this post the next time some religious nut calls you a blasphemous heathen for not believing in god or the next time they condemn you to hell, an the next time anyone else calls you ignorant for daring to believe things are possible. This world we call earth, is full of people who ask these questions daily yet know no more about these matters than the rest of earth does, an anyone claiming to have solid answers to any of it i can call a bullshit artist unless they have their own delorian 😁

Glenn1989 4 Nov 15
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As to dense prose, I try to put each thought into its own sentence of not more than 20 words, put related thoughts into a paragraph, and leave a blank line. I once had a grammar checker that reliably spotted my 60-word sentences.

yvilletom Level 8 Nov 16, 2019

Glenn, I found many of your ideas interesting, among them:

As to the chicken/egg first paradox, your answer is the chicken. Mine is the egg. Prepared in the ways Jonathan Swift suggested, I can enjoy many species, a few of which are other kinds of birds, fish, alligators, crocodiles, and even humans.

As to what makes people so sure that there's an almighty being, I've read that people combine the qualities of an ideal father and call the result an almighty being, except that Old Testament people had peculiar ideas about the qualities of an ideal father.

Do atheists believe in an explosion of apocalyptic proportions? Those who don't understand science might believe that. The astronomer Edwin Hubble and I are two of the many who think time and space have always been.

And my wife might have tossed me because when something annoyed her and she said "Oh, god", I sometimes answered "What do you want now?"

yvilletom Level 8 Nov 16, 2019

I find a lot of Christians believe god is responsible for everything (except the bad, then it was satan 🤣). That's what i mean with god almighty. Thank you for your positive feedback. Was wondering for a while if i was going to get nothing but critical feedback for this one. I share a lot of posts similar to this one on Facebook and usually get positive responses from people there

@Glenn1989 Before Facebook and other social media, how many people wanted to express themselves but had no way to do it?

Social media also gives them opportunities to learn how to express themselves more clearly.

Three thousand cheers for social media.


It's more than that. It's more than just a lot of time passing. You can't find an immaterial God in a test tube or a time machine.

Heraclitus Level 8 Nov 16, 2019

Can you create something from nothing? Or can nothing create something? Did god just pop into existence, or was he always yhere? Or is/was he non-existent? That's pretty much the whole point of this post.

People like to assume they know. This points out that it's impossible for them to know.

@Glenn1989 I agree, independent of "because we can only see so far back."


Too long, no paragraphs.

Most people well just see a wall of text and pass on.

If it is worth saying try to be concise.

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Nov 16, 2019

I agree. This comes from one who believes every word that falls from my lips or keyboard must be heard/read because of the wondrous nature of my mind. But here, Too Many Words.

Not everything is clean cut ya know? I tried to put a lot of thought and detail into this. So sorry it wasn't perfect and short enough to be worth your time. Don't people learn patience? I get that it might not be your thing, but is there actually anything wrong with the post itself or just my presentation? C'mon gimme a break here

Most people???

Geoffrey, I doubt that you counted how many looked at Glenn’s post and how many of them passed. When critiquing, speaking for more than yourself is a grab for power.

@yvilletom see the reaction of the people who have been here for some while.

@Geoffrey51 people are people, no matter who yhey are, regardless of rank. The way you just spoke makes it sound like you only care about opinions from royalty, as to say you look upon lesser people as unworthy. That says a lot about your own character. Good luck with that. May wanna rethink that line of thinking. Some may get the wrong idea about you 😁

@Glenn1989 Fair enough. I doubt anyone will get the wrong idea. Just pointing out to assist in your time here. Thanks for the good wishes!


Too densely packed a piece of writing to tackle. Needs to be broken up into paragraphs so that it can be more easily read and made sense of. At the moment I’m not inclined to delve into it to do so.

Rambling incoherence

Your choice. It's not like anyone is forcing you. Shouldn't judge a book y its cover though. You .igbt actually find it interesting

@Glenn1989 I thought I was giving you a piece of good advice. I thought you would understand that it wasn’t because I wasn’t interested in reading what you had to say, but that the way you were presenting it was a barrier to my wishing to do so. I was hoping that you would realise that by breaking up your writing into shorter sentences and using paragraphs for each new subject, other people would be more inclined to read your words, and understand your message better. My advice is good and it’s not meant to demean you or your thoughts in any way, so try to take it in the spirit it was intended.

@Marionville i just get tired of critics. The comment before yours was just "rambling incoherrence" from greenatheist. I could edit it i guess, but i also feel like the damage has been done.i honestly just copied this from one of my old posts i wrote awhile back on Facebook. Thank you though


The solid answer should not be a case of surrender to a supernturality.

allmighty Level 6 Nov 16, 2019

I do question if god is real then is he really a being worth worshipping. No one can say they know for sure what our creators intentions would be

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