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I know World of Warcraft has a huge split among players, some love it, some hate it.
I'll go with , hm, not my favorite x-pac, but I've still found a few ways of having some fun.
Plus the ne guild I got into are a great bunch of players with a casuall sense and do a lot of goofing around, which I really like.
Yet when it comes down to it, we really can put up a fight if needed.
Plus, they are, like me, always up for helping out guildies lvl and gear
My Spriest is ilvl 410, she's a bad ass.
But I think I have more fun carrying others alts, or new guildies through some raids, and Mythics.
A good portion of the guild are Ausies, so it takes a bit to find the time to be on the server at the same time.
but we mannage.
Nothing I love more, in any game, is having a bunch of others that will laugh, and goof around even if we wipe.
here's a pic of my main, she's a spriest.

TristanNuvo 8 Apr 16
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I remember standing in line at midnight in order to buy the first WOW. My dissertation was on WOW. I had to quit playing to focus on completing my education. I wish I could go back but now I have lousy internet.

Dee138 Level 6 May 10, 2019

I’m on a “break” since late December. Been a player since December of 2007. Plan on going back at some point. At this point, not sure what I’ve missed, and started looking into what that may be.

Rignor Level 7 Apr 17, 2019

I quit in 2013 for financial reasons after playing for 6 years, but I haven't gone back. It just wasn't fun for me anymore.

Kynlei Level 8 Apr 16, 2019

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