
Ways to increase your income .

Ways to increase your income .

RecentPosts By Cast1es (104) (Page 2 / 7) Posts by anyone

Sep 10, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by Cast1es
A couple of neighbors and I are starting , "The Chicken Investment Club ." First full meeting will be Wednesday 12:00 -1:00 . The purpose is to learn more about understanding the brokerage software , researching potential investments , learning the ...
Sep 9, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by K9Kohle789
Robinhood I think has recently gone public. They are HOOD and rising slowly.
Sep 8, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by Cast1es
K9Kohle , I reexamined the data you gave me again , paying closer attention to the names attached to the sales . Huang - President , CEO , and Director of NVDA , sold off over $80 million , over $79 million and over $45 million in three separate ...
1 comment
Sep 6, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by K9Kohle789
If you use Ameritrade find the stock you like, say NVDA type it in and click on the right side that says NVDA, that is the entire story of NVDA, after that look on the right side where the charts are and click on VIEW MORE DETAILS. It seems most of ...
Sep 1, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by Cast1es
NVDA continued to climb to unexpected heights , after I sold my shares ( although I did make a decent profit ) . At any rate , I'm waiting for it to go down , so I can buy back in . I believe it may have passed it's most recent peak . At least I ...
Aug 20, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by Cast1es
I liked what I saw , and put my NVDA shares up for sale . The selling price climbed today , and eventually reached my asking price , and then some . So have sold them off at a good profit .
1 comment
Aug 18, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by Cast1es
After the close of the stock market today , NVDA held their third quarter conference call . They seemed to cover all questions and concerns with an extremely positive report . Profits are most definitely way up above and beyond expectations and ...
Aug 18, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by Cast1es
ISRG , looked promising , so I bought a small amount for a test run . The day after I bought , it dropped in price about $30 per share , and it hadn't been all that high priced to begin with . As of today , the price has increased to the point that ,...
Aug 18, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by Cast1es
ISRG , looked promising , so I bought a small amount for a test run . The day after I bought , it dropped in price about $30 per share , and it hadn't been all that high priced to begin with . As of today , the price has increased to the point that ,...
Aug 10, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by Cast1es
Well , I've been researching for sometime , trying to find another stock I'd feel good about investing in . I've made a habit of beginning by investing a small amount in a stock I've researched then watching to see what it does , before putting a ...
Aug 5, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by Cast1es
ETF stands for Exchange Traded Funds . It's usually a group of multiple stocks of some related concept . For instance ARK deals with stocks related to space exploration . Another ETF may be concentrated in stocks which pay a routine dividend . A ...
Aug 5, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by Cast1es
I've been researching other potential stocks outside of the tech field to potentially invest in . Recently checked Nike , the sports wear company . I like the three year chart , definitely headed up , and likely with the Olympics being broadcast and ...
Jul 6, 2021Jul 2021

Posted by K9Kohle789
I don't come on this group much solely because there is only ONE stock promoted. I'm way more speculative and diversified than what I'm seeing here. It's a shame you don't venture out into more grey areas. It seems limited to me.
Jul 3, 2021Jul 2021

Posted by Cast1es
Today's lesson is , the strike price . The strike price is when someone puts in a bid to buy or to sell stocks and someone else meets that price and an agreement is made to transfer the ownership at the agreed upon price .
Jun 29, 2021Jun 2021

Posted by Cast1es
Dividend pay date for NVDA is 1 July , but it's a very small amount , so won't have much impact on it's price . They seem to be getting approval for their purchase of another chip company , that has been in process for some time . In the past I've ...
Jun 29, 2021Jun 2021

Posted by Cast1es
I hope I convinced some followers to invest in NVDA . Today , the value of my stocks went up by over $11,500 . They are about to do a four for one split . In other words , the 300 that I currently own , are about to become 1,200 , at which point , I...
Jun 26, 2021Jun 2021

Posted by Cast1es
Just noticed an article about being rude , when it comes to money . I was particularly interested in the comment about tips . When I was young , decades ago , you paid for your meal , and you would leave a tip , To Insure Prompt ...
Jun 22, 2021Jun 2021

Posted by Cast1es
It's gone back up . As of this morning , I was only down $349 if I sold , but I decided to hold on . As of close of business , it's selling at just over $750 a share , and I'm up just over $5,500 , if I sell immediately . Think I'll hold on a little ...
1 comment
Jun 21, 2021Jun 2021

Posted by Cast1es
NVDA seemed to level off at about $745 but is predicted to go up to as much as $900 , Decided over the weekend , so put in a bid at the $745 price . Amazingly , the price dropped and I got it at a bit less . Unfortunately , it kept going down , and I...
Jun 18, 2021Jun 2021

Posted by Cast1es
Well , here we go again . I waited until NVDA went up and sold it a profit of $30 per share for 500 shares . Which pleased me very much at the time . Since I sold it , it has gone up an additional $100 per share . Making a good profit is a good thing...
1 comment
May 28, 2021May 2021

Posted by Cast1es
NVDA has climbed by $28.79 today . If it goes up another two dollars per share , I will sell , and take my profit . Someone had written earlier that investing in the stock market is a gambol and indeed it is . Life is a gamble . Which sperm will ...
May 24, 2021May 2021

Posted by Cast1es
NVDA has climbed to over $21,800 profit , if I sell immediately . I'm guessing that it will continue to go up , but have put in a sell order for slightly higher than it's top most price in the past . Wish me luck !
1 comment
May 24, 2021May 2021

Posted by Cast1es
According to the unrealized gain computation , had I sold my NVDA stock Friday , I would have made over $8,000 in profit . I felt it would jump even higher , so decided to wait . As of this morning , if I sold now , I'd get nearly $18, 500 profit . ...
May 21, 2021May 2021

Posted by Cast1es
NVDA just announced a 4 for 1 stock split , effective June 3rd . Boy did the price per share jump !
May 20, 2021May 2021

Posted by Cast1es
Let's say you bought some stock , then the price dropped . If you are confident that it's a good company with a great product and will pull out of the slump and soar up in value , now , while the cost is less , might be a better time to buy more . ...


Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by PinkyandtheBrainGood correction. I actually consulted with a lot of people.

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