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Higher education is EVIL! (this is the kind of bullshit these old, clueless, governing body members push onto their sheep that they continue to fleece.)

Clauddvon 7 May 6
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In school, I had planned to become an architect, so I studied mathematics and drafting. But, I was told by my mother and the elders that college would infect my brain with wicked thoughts. Unfortunately, I listened to them and didn't go to college, until many years later. The JWs discourage independent thought.

sfvpool Level 7 Aug 30, 2018

It's horrible the wasted talent within this organization. Just grow up to be construction workers, clean buildings and wash windows... You'll notice all skills that the organization freely exploited to grow it's empire.


The shark-infested waters for me were apostates, but Iā€™m very glad I took my chances.

zing Level 6 May 6, 2018

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Posted by pgl4vtLast time this happened was 1980.

Posted by WildgreensJWs hide pedophiles

Posted by BestWithoutGodsLaughing my donkey off. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

Posted by zingNothing to fear

Posted by ClauddvonI'll start.

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