Jehovah's Witness Stories

This group is designed to discuss the fucked up things you have experienced through your affiliation with this cult. Also for discussing any way you acted out to get even, or just any general JW related information, or questions you may have about this cult.

This group is designed to discuss the fucked up things you have experienced through your affiliation with this cult. Also for discussing any way you acted out to get even, or just any general JW related information, or questions you may have about this cult.

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Posts Tagged "bullshit" By Clauddvon (7) Posts by members only

Jehovah's Witness Stories
Jun 8, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Zealandia
Hi there. Thought I'd contribute on an aspect of JW. I'm a deaf guy from New Zealand. The JW's there actively target deaf people out in the community and visit them in their homes. It causes a lot of anger and resentment. Here's a story about it. ...
Jehovah's Witness Stories
May 6, 2018May 2018

Posted by Clauddvon
Higher education is EVIL! (this is the kind of bullshit these old, clueless, governing body members push onto their sheep that they continue to fleece.) :
Jehovah's Witness Stories
May 5, 2018May 2018

Posted by zing
I was never molested or anything, I actually have pretty good memories of most of the elders and 'friends'. I feel damaged though and have mixed feelings because I look back and I think 'I knew this shit didn't make sense even as a kid', and maybe I ...


Posted by pgl4vtLast time this happened was 1980.

Posted by WildgreensJWs hide pedophiles

Posted by BestWithoutGodsLaughing my donkey off. 😂🤣😂🤣

Posted by zingNothing to fear

Posted by ClauddvonI'll start.

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