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LINK So We're Canceling Ellen Because... She's Not Nice?

I think most people still like her.

snytiger6 9 Aug 7
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Jeez, she's only human.
People can't demand perfection or we're all alone.


I despise Ellen. She is one of the most stuck up, rude people I have had the displeasure of wanting to get to know. Her show Ellen from the 90's gave me the courage to be who I am and come out. However, upon reaching out to her through various avenues, the only response I received was, "Good for you, now go away."... Ellen can choke on a piece of sausage!


I love Ellen. Always have. From way back when she was getting started in standup. Screw the haters.

freeofgod Level 8 Aug 7, 2020

You know, pretty much every single woman public figure who achieves a notable degree of power inevitably gets demonized by some group or other. Anyone recall AOC's recent speech about the "bitch" word and its history? We say women can't be leaders, because they are too emotional and lack strength, and they can't handle opposition. Then when they pass all those challenges, they get labeled a bitch, a monster, an ice queen, or a tyrant. Well excuse me but I think I will ignore ellen's detractors.


I love Ellen, and this article is great! Fuck The Guardian, and any other gossip rag that wants to stir shit for publicity. Ever since this kick started about Ellen being a tyrant, I started smelling hypocrisy, and it wasn't from her.

Ellen has done too much good in her life and endured plenty of shit getting to where she is for me to shun her because she supposedly isn't sweetness and light 24/7.

How eloquent of you. Ellen hasn't done anything good since her original show. And bullying staff should be met with a boycott not excuses for her.

@Theresa_N If I believed the allegations outright, I might agree with you, but they smack of cancel culture distortions. For people who can actually remember her entire career, it is clear she has done a lot for respect for diversity and decency. She has been villified for some cynical reason.


I love Ellen .. What she does in her private life is none of my business...


I never liked Ellen. From what I've read in The Guardian she's a tyrant to her staff. I don't like bullies.

Theresa_N Level 8 Aug 7, 2020
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