7 3

So the trans ban is being lifted in the military. I have mixed feeling about this, our military should be a small fraction of it's current size. Secondly, trans people like most of the rest in the military are simply cannon fodder for the upper 2% of our population. Draft that 2 percentiles children instead and maybe war will end.

Theresa_N 8 Jan 25
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It is an all voluntary force and anyone that is mentally and physically fit enough, should be able to join if they want. Military service has its pros and cons, but it can be a good way for young people to gain maturity, job skills, and get college money. Yes, that comes a with a cost, a potentially high one.

CS60 Level 7 Feb 7, 2021

America’s ruling class will not consent to drafting their children.

We already have a way to prevent ruling class wars: nuclear weapons. They know that they too will be destroyed.

yvilletom Level 8 Jan 31, 2021

This was brain fart. What I should have said was I had mixed feelings about anyone joining the military.

Theresa_N Level 8 Jan 26, 2021

Mixed feelings?? Really???
I am certainly no fan of the military, but people join for all kinds of reasons, and for many it represents a good opportunity and a smart option. As such, no group should be denied the option based on purely subjective factors. If they can do the job, they deserve the same chance. The Military is a microcosm of society. Blatant descrimination allowed to flourish in the service with impugnity adds to people's inclination to discriminate elsewhere, too. For those reasons, we have to fix this travesty of justice.


If they wish to serve, remember there's no draft, all volunteer army, why the fuck should anybody prevent them for serving?

Mofo1953 Level 9 Jan 25, 2021

@TCorCM Currently, the United States is not practicing conscription; it has an all volunteer military, meaning active troops serve on their own accord. By offering a range of benefits to enlistees, the military is able to recruit enough troops to fill its ranks, at least during times of peace.

@TCorCM it could but didn't during the Kuwait, Irak, Afghanistan wars


I'm not saying there shouldn't be a draft that rich people's children are subject to, but what's that got to do with trans individuals serving their country if they so choose?

That they will be taken advantage of by a system they have no say over. Trans individuals shouldn't feel forced into the military for any reason esp. just to get benefits and opportunities that they should have outside the military.

@Theresa_N Should they be denied the option to use the military to get benefits and opportunities they should have outside the military, but don't, just because they are trans?


Two percent?!
The robber barons are the 0.002%
Even this number is too big.
There's not 700,000 obscenely wealthy people living in the United States, that would be 0.002%
All these people need to have income tax north of 90%.
Two percent would be 7,000,000 people.
Just one of the 0.001% or richest 350,000 has more money than your entire collection of 2% or 7,000,000 people which are each far richer than I ever will be.

As for how Trans people contend with the military, they should be able to do anything any other person can do with the military whether you approve or not.

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