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How to deal with Ace-erasers?

I was unfortunate to be on the receiving end of someone's abuse who was transgender (Male to female), self-identified as a radfem, and let slip that she was diagnosed with Histrionic personality disorder.

She threw me under the bus to sell her position that "all men are pigs" via slander and libel that I don't have the funds to hire an attorney to recoup damages over, long story short I was accused of looking at her breasts and when I mentioned that such was nonsense and that I am asexual and don't even experience sexual attraction let alone have a breast fetish, she did everything she could to discredit my asexuality and even go as far as to say that asexuals didn't exist. I then made the mistake of seeing her lack of remorse for her conduct and remarks and lack of ability to empathize as an indication that she needed to feel through other means, so I then pretended to not acknowledge her identity to show her how it felt, now she's still selling her original claim but now she is also using screenprints of that very little snippet of said conversation to try and claim that I am transphobic and doing everything she can to silence me. All through high school I was bullied when it got out that I found large breasts to be repulsive and did not find breasts to be attractive (There was an incident where a large breasted girl tripped and planted her breasts in my face while I was sitting in the hallway, and I freaked out to where people could clearly see that I was grossed out, this lead to people first interrogating me then bullying me over how I replied to said interrogations).

How do I deal with this kind of abuse and what could I have done differently?

Secular_Squirrel 7 Oct 8
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Slander and libel? Unless they've done tangible harm to your career or reputation, just let that one slide. What's important is to get this toxic individual out of your life, and not get wrapped up in their mental health issues.

I circulate with trans folks. Most of them are just ordinary people who don't really identify with their birth sex, but some of them are quite bonkers. There are the ones who, while still anatomically male, insist that all lesbians (even the ones who are only into female bodies) have an obligation to consider them as sexual partners. And then there are the ones who jump straight into bed with the most rabid of the radfems, claiming "all men are rapists, and need to be kept out of women's spaces" without sparing a moment to consider that every bathroom law ever created had the express intent of pushing women like them into using the men's facilities, along with those horrible, rapey men.

I long since concluded that I'm neither paid nor qualified to deal with this crap, so I tend to just leave that sort to get on with it, and put as much distance as I can between me and them for the sake of my own sanity. You should probably do the same.


In order to recoup damages you would have to be able to prove that the other person's actions caused you a financial loss. I don't think you shared enough information here for me to be able to offer any constructive advice.

@Secular_Squirrel maybe look for new places to be social if you really thing the damage with this group is irreparable!

@PalacinkyPDX this is excellent advice!


Love yourself enough to get out of abusive relationships and friendships. Part of loving yourself could be seeing a therapist for ways to identify and stop the abuse. In the short term, get her and her drama out of your life.

CS60 Level 7 Oct 8, 2018

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