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I came out last year to first my husband (now separated but still close friends) and then to my sisters and finally friends. I started seeing a lady for the past 9 months. It seems we want different things in the relationship and now are either taking a break or back to "just friends." Sucks, but it is what it is. My question is what is the best way to move on? We live in a tiny community and have friends in common so I will see her often enough. I love her very much but it breaks my heart if I'm around her.
I don't have any friends that are lesbian unfortunately so I don't have a person to talk about this with.

TessaChristine 2 Nov 29
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I’m sorry that you’re going through this, and unfortunately, I get it all too well. I broke up with a partner of 20 years and live in a tiny town. I have no desire to see her and her new gf around town, but alas, everyone and every place is connected. But what others say about time is dead will get easier. And there are two types of moving on: letting time pass, spending time with friends, healing and getting reacquainted with yourself OR (and I’m thinking that given your age and circumstance this is more you?) getting out there socially, meeting new people in different settings. Even in small places (and yours isn’t really that small or remote), there are different surroundings than you occupied with an ex. There are many people out there for those that are open/ready for it. You’ll be ok.

Karuk Level 6 Nov 29, 2018

To echo some other responses here, community is very important for navigating successfully through the trials of romance upheaval. I am not female, but I was married to a woman for 25 years. As we were working on how best to separate with minimal damage, what with me being gay and all, she pointed out it was rather pathetic that she had more gay male friends than I did. Yeah.
So I took concrete steps. I joined a gay men's chorus, PFLaG, a gay men's support group, and and atheist/agnostics community group. This was all several years ago. It made a big and positive difference. When I ventured into my first gay relationship, which lasted only 4 months, the other connections helped tremendously for me to keep it all in perspective and to remember that no other person determines our happiness. We do that ourselves.
Chin up, and best wishes to you!

Thank you! You are right. Just gotta push myself out of my comfort zone.
I appreciate your sharing and advice.



Keep your options open...


Oh, I really feel for you on that one! Whenever I split up with anyone, I have to completely distance myself because it hurts so much when I see them - even if we both made the decision, I still miss them and hurt over what might have been if things had worked out. I don't know the answer, unfortunately, but I really do hope you get through it. 😟

Jnei Level 8 Nov 29, 2018

Don't you have any gfs you can talk to? I tell my gfs everything... They don't have to be lesbians to help support you and listen...

I have a bestie gf too and i spill my guts to her about everything!

I do. Some very good ones. I think its that they all have been in very long term relationships that as much as they support and love me, they don't really know how to navigate lesbian relationships or dating. Love them to pieces though.

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