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SkotlandSkye 8 Feb 22
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I like the first one.

Daco2007 Level 7 Aug 26, 2019

Number 4, especially after a hectic work day

CS60 Level 7 Feb 22, 2019

You made me think of the old "I'm straight I'm not narrow." slogan.

RavenCT Level 9 Feb 22, 2019

All 5 are very cool.

freedom41 Level 9 Feb 22, 2019

The transgender one should be a transgender flag....trans has nothing to do with sexuality

Agenderaj Level 4 Feb 22, 2019

The power button one? I'm perplexed.

@RavenCT yeah. Like if its trans pride why wouldnt the trans flag be used?

@Agenderaj If it was created for a larger Pride event it would explain it. Unification theme.

I used to see a lot of fracturing between the Lesbians and Gays back in the 80s.
I was discussing this with my roommate today. I guess I see it as something where there's way more of the hetero folk out there - so there being Unity is a good thing.

I know trans doesn't quite fit. But there are others who don't either. And yet they're gathered under the banner too.

I guess I see it as "safety in numbers" until things improve.

@RavenCT I produced and managed pride events for about 8 years back in the late 90s and early Aughts. These are all remnants of those times and adverting and then MySpace promotions.

@RavenCT under what banner? I'm sure you're aware gender and sexuality and different and I know a butt load of straight trans people. We can't we just use peoples proper identifiers? This is basically erasure, saying trans are under the same umbrella. No. Trans has exactly 0% to do with being gay. I'm not surprised, just consistently let down and erased

@Agenderaj Well this was just a post about some Pride memes?

I don't think one meme erases Identity?
As I told you - you are free to post your own meme.

I'm not a mod here - just answering what I thought was a simple question.
If this is a hot button topic for you - perhaps you need to speak to the group host or a moderator? Though I'm unsure what they can solve for you.

Really most groups are about supporting each other though - sort of inclusive? So I'm left feeling baffled - sure all trans are different.
Some might want to be very individually represented. And I'd think they could do that at a Pride event - and even here - again by posting your own selection of memes.

That's the thing about labels.
I can't get entirely hung up on them.
They tell you one thing about people - not everything.

@SkotlandSkye I didn't know you did that! That's cool.
Those years were a different time for sure too.

In the late 80's I was sharing space with the LGBT club on campus and the Peer to Peer Human Sexuality club. We would answer each others hotlines when needed as we shared a common door.

Really good times. 😉

@RavenCT I think you meant all trans PEOPLE are different. Trans is an adjective. Honestly I've never seen any trans person use the rainbow flag for trans people. I respectfully ask cis people not to tell trans people what's erasive.

@Agenderaj My Trans roommate has been pre approving all my comments in this thread. So I don't see how telling me I'm CIS gendered applies? When it might be sensitive I always ask her about the tone and content.

In fact I've never said to someone "Gee you're LGBT you don't get it". We discuss topics here and if we get it wrong we discuss.
I don't think I've ever seen the "You don't get it because you aren't one of us" - card pulled?

I see you want this to be an argument. That's my prior experience with you as well.
And I'm not sure why that's the way you want to interact here.

I've suggested multiple ways you could express yourself in a positive fashion.
Instead you want to take apart the Original Post, Then my query to you to clarify, and Then my multiple replies.

Whatever your issue is - I can't resolve it for you. I usually try to help folks. But I can't here. So I'll stop trying.

@Agenderaj I'm trans, and I have used the rainbow flag to identify myself many times. I'm also a lesbian, so I fit into two categories under that banner, LGBT- I am an L&T. There's nothing wrong with using the rainbow flag as a trans person. Raven isn't telling anyone what is erasive, she's saying she doesn't see how it is erasive. Huge difference. If you'd care to explain your position to her rather than think she can never get it because she's Cis Gendered, this conversation would be far more productive and far less combative. That isn't your goal, is it? Cuz this isn't where we come to fight about semantics.

@Kafirah cool well no one seems to care about dynamics here. This who site might be wrong for me. I'm very curious why people capitalize CIS. It's a prefix, why on earth would any of it be capitalized if it's not the beginning of a sentence?

So straight trans people should feel comfortable with a rainbow flag? Well I asked my straight trans friend and she says she hates it and feels erased when people say gay to mean LGBTQ, and if shes not gay why should she have to use a label and flag she doesnt apply under?

@Kafirah like clearly I and others feel erased. Do yall care? I'm not gay,.never have been never will be and despise being called or represented as such.

@Agenderaj No one is saying she or you have to do anything. If that's how you feel, that's how you feel. However, your feelings may not be the same as others feelings, and that's all that is being said here... I'm not gonna fight with you over semantics of grammar. cisgendered...Cis Gendered... I really don't get caught up on such nonsense... I'm sorry you feel erased. I care. But I don't feel erased, myself, so I don't know what to tell you about that. If using the Transgendered flag makes you feel better than using the rainbow flag, go for it. No one is trying to erase you here. If that's how you feel, then make a post about it and tell everyone why so they'll understand better. Or make your own trans group for trans folks and have the trans flag as your banner. It's all good, and we encourage you to do so. Just don't assume everyone in the LGBT+ group is somehow trying to be exclusive of trans folks because they use the rainbow flag of inclusivity. That's the whole reason a rainbow is used... because it covers the entire spectrum of people, no matter their sexuality. Or even their lack thereof...

@Kafirah why are you adding -ed to cis and transgender? Theres no -ed.

@Agenderaj Semantics of grammar. That and I'm on mobile. Autocorrect is not my friend.

@Kafirah now everyone knows better. Trans people have been trying to tell people this for years. Will you now all listen and stop making stupid mistakes.

@Agenderaj I think you are taking this far more seriously than it's worth. I prefer to concern myself with more important things, personally. To me, this is the equivalent of whether the toilet paper is supposed to flap over forward or backward. We trans folks have so much more to be concerned with than suffixes and prefixes... soooooooooooooooooo much more. This, if it is as major an issue as you make it out to be, seems like a ridiculous waste of time and energy and emotion. I prefer to prioritize my efforts toward understanding, acceptance, and equality... this sort of thing is literally the last thing on my list to be concerned about. I simply do not care at all about such trivial matters. But you are free to feel however you wish about whatever you wish. I just won't be joining you on this hill. Good luck, though!

@Agenderaj Also, this: []

@Kafirah I've never met a trans person who is okay with transgendered. Why -ed? Please explain this to me. There is verb here. Why would it be passed tense? The only possible thing I could imagine is if you're using transgender and equating that with someone who is transitioning, which is so gross.

@Agenderaj It's also present tense. For example "Marked" you can say "was marked" or "Is marked" -ed doesn't necessarily denote past tense. And now you can say you've met at least one trans person who isn't offended by transgendered. Congrats! Your horizons are growing.

@Kafirah I thought you weren't joining me on my hill? I thought I had it all to myself now?

@Agenderaj You do. Just remember to plant a flag so others know it's your hill.

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