5 9

One has to wonder how long "michaelinlivonia" is going to be allowed to spread his trans-hatred and bigotry on this site? Imagine if someone else was regularly putting out the crap he posts about trans people towards Muslims, women, people of color, or disabled people, he'd have his nasty behind booted off this site in no time. He's been reported umpteen times yet @admin & @SiteSupport continue to give him a free pass. And no, blocking him isn't enough... because he creates a hostile and aggressively negative environment on here for trans people to the point where I will not be participating in this site any longer if he's still here. @Admin &@SiteSupport, you claim want to create a positive atmosphere for diverse communities... you're failing.

PalacinkyPDX 8 Apr 10
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Somehow I have completely missed awareness of this person until your post. I just looked at his posts and comments lists. Wow! He could hardly be any more blatant.
Any reply from admin yet? ???


Must be a little too tempting for him

@PalacinkyPDX I am a transgender and all the people I've met that have a lot to say about us or profess to hate us are scared to death someone will find out they are closeted gay or that we will turn them on or all ready do. It is something inside them they hate.


If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all. Noam Chomsky

As much as I despise people like michaelinlivonia, I have to refer back to the statement above.

davers Level 7 Apr 10, 2019

@PalacinkyPDX My apologies for upsetting you as that was not my intention. I was just pointing out that whether we like or dislike what people say they have the right to be heard. It just needs everyone else to call them on it.

@PalacinkyPDX Once again my apologies for upsetting you.I will speak no more on the subject and hope that you can, in some small way, forgive my indiscretion.


I've removed him from my three largest groups. (I don't anticipate him joining the others).

I won't deal with the LGBTQ haters. I already tried with him once - and I reported him this time.

Maybe it's time to note that on groups? IDK.

RavenCT Level 9 Apr 10, 2019

@PalacinkyPDX I agree - hate speech and bullying are supposed to be against TOS.

However reporting doesn't see to be pulling scammers either lately. (As an entirely separate issue). And I'm not talking about members upset with each other - but people confirmed by photo or text as Romance Scammers.

So I don't know if the usual "support team" isn't on or what all is up?

It would be nice to hear a response to this query. I agree.

The haters are a bit much to swallow and group blocking them doesn't really remove them - you're right about that. They're still free to prey on an unwary member who maybe doesn't know how to go to an account and see what someone has posted.

That this fella wants to date trans? Scares the crap out of me.
In a rather visceral manner.


Yes he needs to be booted off here.

freedom41 Level 9 Apr 10, 2019
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