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I was just getting out of the shower when my mother in law came to pick up my son (12) and nephew (11). This is the conversation I overheard:

My son: Grandma did you know Alabama banned an episode of Arthur because of a gay wedding?!

MIL: Good.

Nephew: What if I told you I am gay?!

MIL: I'd lock you in your room until you changed your mind. That's what we told your father. Why are you?!

Nephew: No, but that's not the point.

MIL: They should keep it to themselves. Do that in private.

Nephew: My favorite song is by a gay person. Let me show you.

MIL: EW I don't want to hear about it anymore. Are you ready to go?

soulless 7 June 10
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Good for your nephew

CS60 Level 7 June 10, 2019

I'd tell the nephew that absolutely no one is locking him in his room for being gay, bi, trans, or anything else. But it sounds like the nephew already knows better than to judge someone for their sexual orientation or identity.

I'd tell the MIL to never ever speak that way in front of my child. If she wants to be an ignorant bigot then keep it to herself.


I am gay, and if I were in your nephew's place (and gay) in that conversation, I most likely still would have denied being gay to someone that openly hostile. Regardless, good for him for being cool with the issues.
If I were in your place, I could not let that bigotry go unchallenged. Each person has to figure their own best approach, of course, but I would challenge those ignorant and hateful statements every time she opened her mouth. If the boys seemed to be holding their own well with her, I would not necessarily banish her, but she might end up wanting to banish herself just to get some rest from being told how ignorant she is.


MIL needs to mind her own business!!!


My son is bisexual. He wants to come out properly, but he can't because of his grandfather (my ex's dad.) My son put 'in a relationship' on Facebook, and ended up being quizzed by his grandparents. He had to make up a story about a long-distance Internet thing with some random, fictional girl.

Bear in mind that this is the guy who walked up to me (while I was sitting in my car) called me a "filthy pervert" and punched me in the arm, all because I took my son to a Pride event. Even I begrudgingly agree that it's best if he doesn't find out until he absolutely has to.


Also, " I'd lock you in your room until you changed your mind. That's what we told your father."??? This speaks volumes about her character and mentality as a human being... and it doesn't speak highly of either.

Kafirah Level 8 June 10, 2019

I think your hubby needs to have a long talk with his momma about being a bigot around your kid.

Kafirah Level 8 June 10, 2019

We both have told her not to use the N word around our son. She STILL does it! I stopped hiding it from my son how she is a racist. She just digs herself further lol.

@soulless holy shit... have you gone so far as to say, "Stop saying racist shit around my son!" or "If you're going to be a racist, you're going to have to go be one somewhere else." maybe even "You can see [insert son's name here] again once you stop being a fucking racist shitbag."? Also, it might help reinforce your son's good habits by stating something along those lines in directly to her in front of him. Cuz, so far, your kid sounds like he rocks.

@Kafirah Our son is getting old enough now that I feel he can make his mind up if he wants to continue seeing her. My husband has said "MA!" and all she says is "Oh yea sorry." TBH I was surprised when my nephew stood up for LGBT's because his father isn't any better than the mother. Although, my nephew lives in another state with his aunt. She happens to be in an interracial relationship. My MIL can't stand it.

@soulless it's hard watching dinosaurs go extinct, isn't it? On the one hand, you kinda feel sorry for them, but on the other hand, you keep checking the news for meteor strikes with your fingers crossed...


Geez, what can be said about a homophobe, except that she has issues herself.

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