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Washington Post - New study: There’s no ‘gay gene,’ but genetics are linked to same-sex behavior

"The researchers were able to find five genetic variants that were statistically associated with same-sex sexual behaviors, but none had a large effect and none could itself predict same-sex behaviors. One of the variants was found in a stretch of DNA that includes several genes related to the sense of smell..."

"Previous studies have suggested that sexual orientation and same-sex behaviors may be, at least in part, genetic. For instance, research has shown patterns in families with multiple men in the same family identifying as gay. There is some evidence of a correlation between left-handedness and same-sex attraction, and left-handedness has both genetic and environmental influences.

"Environmental effects may be a factor for some people; for instance, having older brothers increases the odds that younger brothers will be gay,"

"“Zeke Stokes, chief programs officer for GLAAD, said in a statement that the new research on the genetics “provides even more evidence that being gay or lesbian is a natural part of human life, a conclusion that has been drawn by researchers and scientists time and again...”


Daco2007 7 Aug 29
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This study falls into the category of things I already believe from past research findings (and of course my completely non-scientific personal experience). At any rate, additional credible research is always welcome.
I happen to be gay, left-handed, and to have two older brothers, just like the article alludes to, but of course gay and gay-leaning men come from all sorts of situations.
As for trying to prove to fundamentalists that it is not a choice and therefore not sin, HA! HA! HA!
As if those fuckers care. The entire ex-gay conversion movement is a tacit acknowledgment from them that homosexuality is clearly not simply rebelliousness. It was already painfully obvious that not everyone has any temptation to engage in same sex sexual behavior. Those fundy haters still just chalk it up to Satan, call it our "cross to bear" and continue to condemn us.

The research is interesting for our own incremental growth in understanding ourselves, but the fundamentalist homophobes can go fuck themselves. IMHO, 😋


i was, i guess you would say MOLESTED now...when i was 11. There was no forcing about it it was an older friend who exposed themselves to me...and invited me to touch him. I didn't think anything of it. Actually i thought he was hurt at first. But...i liked don't know...genes, environment...choice...i don't know. But ever since that date...i've loved men. Plain and simple.

I have a similar story. It started when I was eight and he was a teenage neighbor. It started in the woods, where he would often strip me naked and "play" with me, and me with him. Other times it would be in our bedrooms when our parents were visiting. It went on for a few years until he graduated HS and joined the Army. But I NEVER felt violated or "molested." I knew I was in total control, because although he said "Don't tell anyone, it's our secret." I knew, and I knew that HE knew, that if I ever told my dad he kill him. Maybe not literally, but all hell would break loose, so I knew that I held all the cards. I loved being naked in the woods and having his hands and mouth ALL over me, and I loved his "big" d*ck. Around that same time I absolutely fell in love with another neighbor boy, my best friend, who was only one a year older than me. I thought he was cutest, hottest boy I had ever seen! I never did what I WANTED to do with him, other than "show me yours, I'll show you mine." But I did get to kiss him once. On the cheek, in a dare. THAT was the highlight of my young life! His family moved away before I could get any closer to him, and that was the saddest day of my young life! All through school I had crushes on the boys around me, but of course, I never met anyone who felt the same way I did. Or if there were boys that felt that way they kept it well hidden. I was a quiet, shy boy who didn't really have any true friends after grade school. HS was 15 miles away in a different town, so I didn't grow up with any of those boys, and had no chance to hang out with any of them after school or weekends, when I was back to my isolated little town with so few other kids.

@AncientNight "I think that all sexual preferences, including the type of sex, is all inside of us from birth. Whether it's natural or genetic isn't in my wheelhouse. I just know what I like."

Absolutely! Agreed!

@Daco2007 friend also told me...hey...don't tell anybody about this...because my mom will get angry if i have too many friends up here in my room when she is not home. Y'know...all the kids in the neighborhood will want to come to play also. Let's just keep it between us...don't tell anybody. i said...sure, no problem. AND I NEVER DID...i maybe should've told one or two other kids though, lol.

@Daco2007 if it's inside us from birth, than it's genetic. Anyway : do we really need an "excuse" ?

@Nathalie_Quebec NO...we don't. I have a friend who needs to be drunk or high...he says it all feels better...well...that's his 'excuse'. When he's been drinking...he's very dominant...when he's high...he just expects his 'orders' to be followed...if you don' big deal...he NEEDS that excuse of...being tipsy to get himself in the mood. BUT...if you are honest with do not need an excuse of any sort.


This shows it's not a choice and should not be subjected to religious beliefs and behavior modifications

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 29, 2019

Brings me back to my Poll.... "Okay so I've always been a neck sniffer." 😀

RavenCT Level 9 Aug 29, 2019

Yes! I have always been turned on by after shave, but not cologne!

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