6 10

Just introducing myself. I'm a 58 Mostly Straight male who is continually Q. Unfortunately, the straight women I've dated seem to have issues with the fact that I find some men sexy. At least I know I'm welcome here.

MrLizard 8 Apr 4
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Here you are a thinking person expressing thoughts. That's it. Feel free to discuss whatever you like with whoever wants to text along. We all are virtual entities. Welcome !!

IamNobody Level 8 May 1, 2018

I dated a bi dude. He's awesome.

I thought it was super cool and interesting that he was openly bi. It was a turn-on for me--just because I'm attracted to people and things that are "new", "unusual", or "different" (for me). Beyond that, it was not a thing at all.

I don't get women (or whoever) freaking out over a guy being bi. Seems completely unnecessary and shallow to me.

stinkeye_a Level 8 Apr 30, 2018

Labels don't matter and may define you in other people's eyes in ways that are not accurate. More and more people are realizing that sexuality can actually exist on a spectrum and doesn't always fall into neat categories. It wouldn't freak me out to be with someone who was also attracted to males. it wouldn't seem any weirder than say, having them notice other women. With people being free to be more honest and open about these things, people see that gender and sexuality don't have to fit in a box. I hope you find someone who gets that. Probably a growing demographic, but it really helps to talk to people who are more open minded. I truly believe you will find a person who doesn't judge or feel threatened.


Just something to keep in mind...

Ginagm71 Level 5 Apr 9, 2018

Yes, you are welcome here. I'm bisexual and have basically given up on totally straight men. I've found most (of course not ALL) seem to think that my bisexuality means "threesome" and that is the only thing they care about once they find out I'm bi. Of course, if I suggest that it be with another guy, they freak out. The other thing that happens is, if I'm not into a guy, he will tell me that I must really be gay (when in fact, I'm just not into him). It can be very frustrating when you aren't cis-hetero.

Allison76 Level 4 Apr 8, 2018

I have had them. They are much less exciting than they seem on paper.


You are very welcome here. I think the issues your women have had were with them, not with you. Some people find it very threatening when their partners are attracted to other people. I'm sorry you've had those experiences and I wish you better luck in the future.

Ginagm71 Level 5 Apr 7, 2018
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