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Whenever a theist says " god made you a man so you should be happy being a man " I say screw your God, your religion, your gender roles based on your mythology. It always seems like they're disrespecting my atheism as well as my gender.

Islandgurl 6 May 6
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They most certainly are doing just that. And what's worse is they know they are disrespecting you. They somehow believe that their disrespect will somehow motivate you to rejoin the status quo through their mean words. As if you haven't thought long and hard for years and years about who you are and what you want to be. Like they are going to convince you to hide yourself, your true self, just to please their delicate and fragile sensibilities. The ego it must take to think they even have that kind of power over someone else is staggering.

Kafirah Level 8 May 14, 2018

I've heard similar arguments for why I should get rid of my boyfriend and get with a woman. I always respond with this: "But your all knowing God made me like I am knowing full well in advance that I would end up with same sex attractions. He is all knowing and all powerful, thus the only logical conclusion is that he wanted me to have a boyfriend."

Katrik Level 7 May 7, 2018

Their "god" also lets innocent children starve, and get raped.... I don't trust a person like that. He must have a very sick sense of humor. (Now to go listen to Depeche Mode)


In that case, God gave you that nose. You should be happy with that nose. God gave you small breasts, you should be happy with small breasts. God gave you that birthmark on your face, you should be happy with that birthmark on your face. Yet few people object to surgeries to change these things, on religious grounds.

But start tampering with your ability to reproduce, and all hell breaks loose. Gender confirming surgery is a big no-no because it typically renders the patient sterile. Religion is so heavily focused on breeding that it can't handle anything that makes baby making a physical impossibility. Objections to homosexuality, masturbation and even contraception in the case of Catholicism can all be traced back to the notion that you're not entitled to sexual pleasure unless you're risking conception.

Some religions are more relaxed about contraception. I think they operate on the basis that contraception isn't 100% reliable, and if God wants to you to conceive, he can still make it happen. But most flavours of Christianity still get all uptight about any kind of sexual pleasure that doesn't give the old fella a chance to press his magic 'make a baby' button.

And of course, traditionally, even the baby making kind of sex could only happen in a marriage sanctified by God (by proxy, through the blessing of a priest) that usually demanded both parties were of the same faith. It's all important that the offspring are not only numerous, but that they follow the same path and repeat the process when they reach adulthood.

Remember kids, God owns your genitals. He gets to decide how you use them, what for, and who with. Having surgery to change them is messing with his property. You are breeding stock for your religion, a business whose plan involves expanding its number of followers exponentially with each generation.

Beautifully put! I couldn't agree more.

This is a perfect example of what I asked for in a previous post I made asking how religious rules and dogma is folded into our lives. It’s insidiously pervasively interfering with lives across the globe. Great post

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