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Hello everyone...I am in need of some 12 year old child has been considering transitioning ftm. I am doing my best to help but, as a cis-gender female, I am at a loss. Can anyone provide me with websites or other resources for helpful information?

Warm_dissent 6 June 5
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I spend once a week sitting in a trans support group in texas, most of our regulars art trans masculine and what I know on this subject is limited by my memory but here's what I do know: When he starts puberty getting him on estrogen blockers will help cut down on the development I secondary sex characteristics that cause dysphoria in older trans men. The longer you wait the more irreversible those changes become ( tissue growth, bone plates etc) even if getting him started on Testosterone is not an option right away, because these are more invasive to alter when he is older.


You can start with PFLAG. I’m not real sure where to send a parent, but your kid may want to explore FTM International. They are a legit organization and have been around for decades.

FTM Int’l Link: Go to the Health care section

There’s also Hudson’s Resourse Guide. You make want to look at that first because there are discusssions/links for prosthetic penises (packers)

In September there’s the Philly transhealth conference. It used to be free and hopefully still is.

The PA Physician General Dr Rachel Levine maybe able to provide some resources.
Feel free to PM me, Casey
PS I don’t have a smart phone

CS60 Level 7 June 9, 2018

The best thing to do is to speak to other parents in your situation, and to people who specifically support them.
You list your location as being a couple of hours from Pittsburgh. PFLAG has an appropriate support group that I suggest getting in touch with:

miffy Level 5 June 7, 2018

I do what local resources are available to you but perhaps you might try the local PRIDE center or even 211. Calling 211 is anonymous and often a good referral source. It’s free. A federally funded program available to all Jus call or go online for 211 and list your city Good luck. I hope you will find something.

sophmag Level 5 June 6, 2018

Listening to, and believing in your child is the first place to start. He needs all the help he can get. If you can't find local transgender support groups, Planned Parenthood might be a good place to start.

MollyBell Level 7 June 5, 2018

[] is possibly a good place to start. UK based, but some of the information will no doubt be relevant, and they might be able to point you in the right direction for something closer to home.


Have you talked to their doctor? Or seen a psychologist with training in dealing with transgender patients? They would probably be the most qualified to help.

Katrik Level 7 June 5, 2018
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