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Если vouz like nyelveket, ここに hay grunnan برای 你们. Linguists welcome! There are only four of us here at the moment, but if you're into languages, maybe you can help us grow the group enough to get things going.

David_Cooper 7 Apr 23
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I speak 7 languages none fluently. English, french, german, Spanish, japanese, klingon, and ancient elven

@David_Cooper I always get an urge to learn Mas idiomas and spend like 15 hours practicing before I forget lol. One day it was ehlven


7 languages in varying degrees of fluency, but I'm certainly no linguist.

Isn't linguistics a type of pasta?

Разве лингвистика не макароны?

@David_Cooper -- Ten large LOLs for that one.

Нет, я не лингвист. Эта транслитерация выглядит странно для меня.


Ken men nutsn a Eydish redner?

Jnei Level 8 Apr 23, 2018

@David_Cooper אפֿשר גרינגער שפּיץ דערקענען עס אין די עבֿרית טעקסט 🙂

@Jnei -- עס איז שטענדיק גוט צו זען ייִדיש זייַענדיק געניצט

@evidentialist !מזל עמעצער געוואוסט וואָס עס איז געווען

@Jnei -- Zaide gave me some when I was very young and he always conducted the Seder in it. I get an odd thrill out of knowing it's still alive.

@evidentialist Glad we've gone back to English - I only have a very little. I hope it survives; not least of all because it's the greatest language in history for swear words 🙂

@Jnei -- It is definitely one of the most colorful when it comes to expressing emotional ideas, that's for sure.

@David_Cooper Yidische is far more common - but my bubbeh always used Eydish for the language and Yidische for the culture for some reason, so I do too!


I speak 5 of them..does that count?..English, Swedish, German, Norwegian and Danish..I'd love to add Italian and Latin..

Charlene Level 9 Apr 23, 2018

@David_Cooper languages come easy to me..I find the evolution of spoken word /thought extemely interesting.

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Posted by David_CooperBrazil's native language groups

Posted by David_CooperI like language maps - if you find any, please share them here.

Posted by JettyWhen a word has more than one meaning. 🤣

Posted by David_CooperTest your French

Posted by JettyIneptocracy

Posted by JettyI wonder if this works in any other language, though, in Chinese, for example.

Posted by JettyWait! You don't pronounce the L?! 😂

Posted by David_CooperI've often seen these in English, but doubtless the rest of the world does them too.

Posted by David_CooperShrödinger's cat

Posted by misternatureboyAnybody else using Duolingo to study another language? Estoy estudiando español.

Posted by EquusDanceJust read a fascinating article on the origins of language.

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