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I just read online that a Florida h.s. agriculture teacher DROWNED two raccoons in full view of a class of students. He was showing them "How to deal with nuisance animals." Students helped him do this; I don't known if their participation was mandatory or voluntary. (In my opinion, he was ticked off because the raccoons had killed the class's chickens.)

Here's a link to one of many reports on this incident:


If you are as angry as I am about the actions of this cretin, please email his bosses, the principal of Forest High School, and the school board members of Marion County schools.

citronella 7 May 18
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They should fire him and take his teaching license.

But he did what all farmers do. I just had chickens killed by a neighbor's dog. I'm allowed to kill to protect my livestock. It's a part of life.

Years ago, a neighbor's dog got loose and I heard the dog up agt another neighbor's killing the chickens. I listened and got very sick to my stomach. Those poor chickens sounded so tormented while they were killed. I called the spca. If you have a dog you should have it under control at all times. I realize that is different than coons. I cannot imagine having chickens roaming freely outside a school. Coons do get rabies. Coons also can get very nasty when provoked. I seen a man when I was a kid who lost part of his nose and some face from a treed coon. Coons should not be close to a school where children can be in jeopardy. I have seen them angry and it isn't pretty. @cyndiann


I'm sorry! I didn't catch that typo in the headline! Duhhhh...

citronella Level 7 May 19, 2018

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