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Tell me again about the right to bear arms:


(And these are all in the last few days in the Chicago area)

TheoryNumber3 8 Oct 16
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How about some sanity control. Everybody would be much happier if we had more ass hole control.

Oldman51 Level 7 Oct 17, 2022

Good luck with that 😟


The irony is we wouldn't need guns for self defense if so many didn't have guns for nefarious purposes.

@TheoryNumber3 And therein lies the rub... Who's to say if one is buying said firearm for nefarious reasons or not when one buys one legally? Now you have the issue of those that actually buy them legally as opposed to those that don't. The FACT remains that those that want a gun can easily get one off the black market (off the street), so said 'gun laws' actually have absolutely no effect on criminals that want a gun.

@TheoryNumber3 . . . AND there is that 'pesky' Constitution. 🙂
(your "interpretaion(s)" notwithstanding. 😛


All you need to do is read the US Constitution. End of story.

And interpret it correctly

@TheoryNumber3 Isn't any interpretation by SCOTUS, virtually the only one that matters ?


@FearlessFly The Extreme Court is now "re-interpreting" all kinds of laws so unfortunately, yes.They're against clean air, clean water, individual rights and allowing us to die of natural causes.

@TheoryNumber3 . . . because you/I don't like their interpretation(s) doesn't nullify their "correctness" 😛

. . . search : SCOTUS, 2nd amendment
Do you find any decision that aligns with your wants ?

@FearlessFly Hell no. The NRA has been paying off everyone to chip away at that amendment for years. It's pretty sad that these "injustices of the supreme court" are political idealogues.

@TheoryNumber3 Wait... "paying off everyone to chip away at that amendment ".... I don't follow you on that. Who's paying whom to 'chip' away at what, exactly? You got me confused on that one. 🥴😜 Perhaps you just worded it wrong.

@Captain_Feelgood Sorry... that WAS unclear. I meant chip away at the original intent of the 2nd amendment....... That guns only be used by members of an organized militia. The NRA would like every man, woman and child to own one.

@TheoryNumber3 Who in the NRA said that ('every man, ... own one)? Are you suggesting that the NRA wants to "chip away" at the 2nd A.? I'm still not following you.

@Captain_Feelgood I think you're late for target practice.


Wow! Gun violence is so prevalent now it has become normalized. So sad. 😟

Betty Level 8 Oct 16, 2022

It takes a peculiar form of mental defective to imagine that any old Tom, Dick or Harry is a member of a well regulated militia.

anglophone Level 9 Oct 16, 2022

In today's world, agree. Different times and more importantly, different weaponry when the idea of states maintaining militias was developed.
The rocket/ nuclear age changed everything regarding standing armies.
The development of rapid fire automatic weaponry changed everything regarding the right to bear arms.
But rather than amend the constitution to maintain the ideal of "the new world", a world without European problems, we have what we have now which is rather confusing and has created "a new world" not envisioned.

@puff Obviously it would be different if thugs had to use a howitzer or a cannon

@TheoryNumber3 Like everything, the status quo make some an awful lot of $$$$$$$ who resist any change.


The right to bear arms came about so states could form militias quickly in times of war so they could combine to form an US army.
Good idea as it negates the need for a standing (permanent) army as European countries maintained historically and thus Europe was in constant conflict. Standing armies and the power they give can be abused by those in power. Smart men the US founding fathers were.
But the US does have a standing army, the most powerful military in the world. Yet the right to bear arms remains.
The might of US military power was not envisioned by the founding fathers. A union of autonomous states who could bond and rise together in times of trouble was.

puff Level 8 Oct 16, 2022

Yes... we understand that... but what @anglophone said

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