4 7

Again things are happening in our state. I donated to the new initiative I-1639 to raise age limits for assault weapons. Here is a link to some big hitters in this matter including a part time resident of our island, Paul Allen. []

JackPedigo 9 July 5
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"Gun Control Now" Group
Age limits are background checks are good. thinking that will solve the problem is foolish. Mental health is not static like losing a limb, one can be stable at 20 & not at 21, 80 but not 81. So background checks only give a snapshot of past behavior. Population demographics also play a big role, I live in the West, have also lived near DC, laws & behavior out here are different. The answer if there is one has to include shifts in behavior, responsibility & that won't be easy in today's world. I agree with whoever said if we will compromise nothing will change, I was taught to shoot when I was a kid by the NRA, I do not belong now & never will again!

IrishCrone Level 4 July 7, 2018

If we don't compromise we will become a polarized society and be very unhappy in our relationships. I refuse to take extreme measures on most things. We have to start somewhere and work our way to a meaningful goal. Extremism has gotten us to this time and place in this country and will destroy our form of democracy.


Explain me why an 80 year old need an assault weapon. A 50 year old need one? How about a 30 year old? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Your compromise is nra bidding. 'Sorry to disagree.

What's your alternative?

This bill raises the age limit. To vote no at this time means to keep the current permissive law where kids can get guns. THAT is doing the NRA bidding.

@dare2dream Remove all guns from all civilians not in law enforcement.... alternatives are a futile act of madness.. go ahead be Crazy. You doing the nra bidding... laughing behind your back!

I don't see how there is a compromise especially when the NRA is fighting even this little step. A previous initiative which I donated and which passed legalized the removal of weapons in a domestic violence situation. I and many others believe the only way to battle the industry is one step at a time. We have enough extremist methods and all they do is bring chaos.
Just so you know I have no problem with people disagreeing. Sometimes I miss points and disagreements, if done right, can be instructional.

@GipsyOfNewSpain , I'm with you, Gypsy. We should be removing guns from civilians. But that's not on the ballot! The choice is 1) raise the age limit for guns or 2) continue to let kids own guns.

Put a gun buy back on the ballot and I'll vote with you for removal of guns.

@dare2dream No compromise when inocent lives are at stake... No Compromise!


I understand that you are trying to help. However mental instability has no age limit. I'm all for having a mental exam to get a firearm.

It's difficult enough getting anything at all. It's called baby steps.


Anything we can get right now, every little bit helps. These kind of laws can be used to set a precedent on a larger scale.

MikeFlora Level 7 July 5, 2018

Disagree. You are doing the nra bid at this moment. Only precedence this kind of law will create is the usual return to.... if I am old enough to vote and to serve in the military I should be old enough to own the Baddest Assault Gun in the market... 'sorry to not accepting your compromise.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

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