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3-D guns. 3-D printing is on my radar about a lot of things, but this I hadn't contemplated hithertofore. Coders in the group, what say you about his argument? (Basically, that code is neutral.)

BookDeath 8 July 18
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It's an interesting tech development. However, it's not, at its point, economically competitive with standard manufacturing processes.


Code is a tool, and has no attributable morality or allegiance. A hammer is incredibly dangerous in the hands of someone with violence in mind, but of itself is simply a tool. Implementation determines moral quality, and is attributable to the user, not the tool.

The idea of 3D printing guns is something I hadn't considered; I imagine it would take a pretty extensive knowledge of ballistic mechanics to get all the moving parts right and even then I'm not sure they'll stand up to the stresses of firing, but my knowledge of ballitistics, 3D printing AND engineering are terribly limited. As an idea, though, it has some chilling potentials.

geist171 Level 6 July 18, 2018

3D printed guns have existed for around five years and are, apparently, relatively easy to put together - they consist of sixteen pieces, only one of which cannot be printed (it's a metal nail, so this doesn't make the weapon any harder to produce) []. Not only do they work, they would appear to be able to stand up to firing more than once - though of course, it only takes one shot to murder someone.

@Jnei exactly. And don't forget how easily they could be attached to a drone. Chilling aspect of future tech!

@Deanervin That's a point that hadn't occurred to me! Yes indeed, very chilling.

@Jnei yeah that's more or less what I was expecting to hear. That's...concerning. Fascinating...but concerning.


Been old news... one of the first things the code went ballistic was a plastic gun code. Among other things, parts are invisible to a metal detector so only issue will be the ammo.

I also heard this and there was serious concern such guns could be carried on planes. Sometimes it takes a major calamity to wake people up.

@JackPedigo planes, schools, court houses, train stations, concerts, homes, etc, etc, etc.

@JackPedigo the problem is a firing pin, plastic won't work so you have to use metal.

@MikeFlora Come on... you can pass that.

@MikeFlora I bet you I can put the pin in the stylus orifice of a Samsung Note 5 and pass it thru customs and security in an airport.... 16 parts? 4 parts per individual in different bags in a 4 man crew? Make the pin part of a belt... Come on man!

@GipsyOfNewSpain what's a Samsung Note 5?

@MikeFlora It is smart phone that comes with a stylus. The stylus feature is the reason I choose it. You can turn the stylus or replace the stylus for a stabbing weapon. You can close your fist and get in a fight and people won't notice you have a weapon in your fist until blood comes out. In my youth saw guys fighting with a blade between the knuckles... knew of women that could drink hot coffee with a blade in their mouth. Life in the streets can show you a lot of evil while being good. Not talking about "goodnews". But will be easy to replace the stylus for a pin. Note 8 also has that feature too. It is just a pseudo weapon where none is expected. The art of hiding things in plain sight is pretty crafty. You can hide bullets in your belt design. Plus rubber bullets used by Police Riot Control carry a punch without the danger of puncturing the frame of an aircraft. Same as low velocity weapons used by Air Marshall.

@GipsyOfNewSpain Good point. Ceramics could be used too, you wouldn't show up on anything with that. That's great but we're supposed to be against this stuff. lol

@MikeFlora Knowledge is power and when the shit hits the fan... if you have to research at that moment... you wasting your time. Things I learned in the street helped me save a junkie's life while still in high school. Sure I learned also how to terminate another life. And True, I am suppose to be against this stuff but "the vigilant" receives the least surprises! And the informed found about it first so the reaction time will be less than expected! We are living in very difficult times. I always wondered how in the hell there were so Much guns in Puerto Rico when there is no game to hunt aside of a few birds. And yet I always saw enough guns for a Revolution. But Drug Revolution came up and took care of any other kind of revolution in such a small place. Gangsters still shooting each other on a daily basis. When I was 15 there were no gangs... not even a single gang. My neighborhood gang of the "Seven Knives" was a Real Myth from yesteryear. The last member gotten old and senile on his own. And you want to control the Plebe... give them guns.. many guns... make them available... allow drugs to poison the youth... You will be in control. The poor always is expendable and collateral damage is an inconvenience need to have. Gun Culture in a Nutshell.

@GipsyOfNewSpain There are things in life we learn because we want to, and there are things we learn whether we want to or not. Puerto Rico is a US possession, that's all you need to have as any guns as you want.

@MikeFlora That is what needs to be fixed... Pronto... the possession Shit.

@GipsyOfNewSpain Don't hold your breath, as wrong as it is, that's the way it is, and they don't give a damn what the rest of the world does, they have the right to bear arms and that is exactly what they are going to do. A little here and a little there is all we are going to get for awhile.

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