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The 2nd amendment will never be repealed. A simple majority will not do. Repeal takes 66 senators, 287 congressmen, and be ratified by 38 states. There is no way possible to get that many people in this country to agree on anything. In my opinion we shouldn't waste time trying.

Same thing goes for trying to take anybody's guns. We may have some success in preventing people from getting certain kinds of guns, but we'll never be able to take anything away from people in general. On a case by case basis, taking guns from crazy people is beginning to happen, but that's the best we will ever do.

Most of the reasons gun rights people use to justify gun ownership are bullshit excuses. There are some legitimate reasons to own a gun, target shooting as a hobby, and to put food on the table, to keep from being the main course on some critters dinner menu are a few.

I think we should focus on gun safety for the guns that have a obvious legitimate use and greater restrictions on those that don't. I really tried to understand these people, in a perfect world for us is repeal the 2nd and take all guns, in theirs it is all the guns they want of any kind they want and to take them everywhere they go, without any oversight or limitations.

This is not a perfect world and never will be, but it can be better, and we can make it better. We just have to go about it the right way.

MikeFlora 7 July 22
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In my dream, there is some event that happens in the future, i can't see it, but there are a lot of dead people. But at the end, it is children that lead adults to the edge of a vast flaming pit or blast furnace, as adults of all walks throw weapons in willingly. The people that don't go in with them.

Allowing the public access to tac featured weapons at the behest of some dubiously motived gun club was one of the biggest mistakes going.

rafferty Level 6 July 28, 2018

The US is not the only country in the world and what works for other countries can work for us as well. Ban certain weapons from one day forward and reduce the availability of bullet's. Yes, it is very difficult and, yes it will take more violence to get it done. As individuals we can all do a part. If I know someone has a gun in their house I won't go there. I have a clear sign in my driveway saying the property is gun free and NRA 'cowards' not welcome and I give to gun control groups and write congress people. Too many expect someone else to do the work and aren't willing to live the life they think others should live.

JackPedigo Level 9 July 22, 2018

It doesnt need to be appealed. Just taking assault rifles (AR) out of the equation is.

Partyhawk Level 7 July 22, 2018

They used to say that about slavery. I am sure many americans said Russia will never interfere with our elections. You believe what you want to believe bro. For 20 years all I did was train to fight one enemy, one enemy nation... a single one... it was not north korea, it was not china, it was not Venezuela,, it was not Nicaragua, it was not Panama, it was not Cuba... it was USSR. A truce with your enemy is not a friendship. I will never be friends with nra. Just because my son own a 9mm automatic and a 12 gauge shotgun do not stop me from being against the 2nd amendment... to add more, many believe Puerto Rico will never be set free by USA... it won't stop me from screaming for that until I die. When you make posts like that it is my call to think you are on nra pocket or you speak from the heart and is what you believe on... my opinion of yor post will be reserved. I am Not for Gun Control... I am for Gun Removal of all Civilians hands after the 2nd amendment is stricken off the books and put to pasture. You believe in what you want to believe.

That's my opinion and I said so. The way this country is right now there is no way in hell you are going to get that many people to agree on anything.
I have been talking with these people trying to understand their thought process, trying to find some common ground, taking a lot of shit, and they think the same way you do and are just as adamant about how they feel as you are. I'm tired of beating my head against a wall. I'm going after what I think I can get and do my best with it.

@MikeFlora So they Won... exactly the type of men the nra hope to find... those willing to meet them half way and compromise after compromise after compromise. It is not their first rodeo so they expect you to get tired of banging your head against the wall and take the path of less resistance with minor, inconsequential victories for nobody but themselves. Nothing personal.

@GipsyOfNewSpain That's how it works, you give a little, I give a little, nobody gets everything they wanted, but everybody gets something, same thing congress was created to do.

@MikeFlora OKAY


I would never want to take all guns but I would like to see some of the same type of laws in place similar to driving and owning vehicles. Even if Dems take over Congress I still think that not much will happen because I truly believe that most of congress is in NRA's pocket

Small steps, a little bit here, a little bit there, we just have to keep moving forward.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

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