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I like guns. Before my final deployment, I had the opportunity to fire a SAW, grenade launcher, a couple light machine guns, I qualified on pistols, and rifles, and I can totally relate to the rush one gets from firing a weapon. This all sits fine with the ammosexuals I've encountered. Then we talk about the 2nd amendment and the other foot falls. My understanding of their interpretation is that the American forefathers were only slightly more eloquent when crafting the statement and that's why it's longer than, "Want a gun? Get a gun." Understandably, they whole-heartedly embrace "shall not be infringed" are fuzzy on the "well-regulated" part. How is it that part's fuzzy, but "shall not be infringed" never requires clarification?
Apparently, "regulated" meant armed, organized, and disciplined - pretty much everything but regulated. Any of you ever have this discussion with gun lovers? How do you craft your argument?

chalupacabre 8 July 24
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I'm certain that the "founding fathers" had no concept of what our modern society or civilization would be like, To think that someone laws written in compromise with Southern Slave owners somehow applies to the 21st century is the very meaning of absurdity.

marmot84 Level 7 July 25, 2018

Never felt the "rush" you talking about when handling a gun. I live in a house with 2 weapons of that kind. Did 20 years in the military so I was trained to use them, dismantle them, clean them, fire them, etc, etc, etc. Never Felt a Rush. Now... the hunt for tail... that gives me a rush... the poontang in the bed... that gives me a rush... cold metal... NOT... warm puss... YES! YES!! YES!!!

For me, there was a rush that came with knowing I was in control of something with so much destructive power. It was a relatable experience that I suspect a lot of people get hooked on, so when some gun control advocates address the issue, they don't have that experience to draw from; they don't see the same allure or power a weapon can have over the wielder. I don't have any such weapons in the home. I was glad to have the experience, but it was also something easily left behind.

@chalupacabre Good Man.


I would start by asking them if they actually know the what the 2nd amendment says, not what they think it means or what they want it to say, but what it actually says. Once they see the wording of it I ask them where it says anything about personal gun ownership, or immunity to background checks, regulations, etc. They obviously won’t be able to answer this honestly. Then if the person isn’t blowing a fuse, I give them the history lesson, about what the 2nd amendment originally meant. They really don’t like that one...

Katrik Level 7 July 24, 2018

I worked in a small office with an enthusiast, who would occasionally try to pull me into discussions about controversial topics and his love of guns was front and center a number of times, so yeah, put this question to him openly. Not surprisingly, he argued that "regulated" then didn't have the same meaning it does now. Since then, I've seen a number of articles that all support his claim. It still strikes me as a neutral way of asking them if they understand the whole amendment and not their favorite few words extracted from it.

@chalupacabre It’s not just the regulated part that’s important. The original meaning of the amendment only gave states the right to a militia, nothing more. Personal ownership is a recent right, not originally in the amendment.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

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Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

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Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

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